When I began the D&D Next playtest, I wanted to create a different campaign world for my players. I'd been running a campaign for nearly 20 years, set in the Realm of the Wreath-King, a low-fantasy, pseudo-medieval European setting, infused with liberal doses of Arthurian legend, Celtic and pagan folklore, and tropey world-building.
I created a simple map and filled it with "new" classic ideas, trying to recreate the feel of my first campaign world when I started playing Basic in 81. I didn't intend to replace my old campaign world, but after one of my players passed away in real life, I shelved it and started running 5e in the new setting. I've since added lots of details to it and created many adventures in it. One campaign in particular lasted just over five years, ending in a satisfyingly epic way last August.
Here's a brief introduction to the territory...
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This rolling coastal plain on the Eastern Ocean is nestled between two arms of the Ironblood Mountains. The change in elevation from northwest to southeast is dramatic, sloping sharply to the sea. The region is mostly wilderness, with just a few towns and isolated villages.
Lord Manfred rules the region from the capital city, also called Remedios, roughly 75 miles inland from the sea. Though the territory is sheltered from attack by mountain ranges to the west and north, various humanoid tribes are a constant threat from the south. Fortunately, the savages spend much of their time fighting each other rather than Lord Manfred’s men. Pirate raiders are an occasional menace to the coastal villages as well.
To the far west, beyond the mountains, is the Freehold Kingdom of Leptos. The dwarf kingdom of Vorge lies within the mountains to the northwest. Farther to the northeast, beyond a wide expanse of mountains, is the elven realm of Mithmir. All three of these neighboring lands have friendly relations with Remedios (although the Mithmiri elves are more ambivalent to the humans than anything else). To the south, the Badlands are a rugged buffer between Remedios and the orcs of the Red Wastes.
The weather is generally temperate, although the drastic change in elevation creates lower temperatures in the northern regions. South of the river, warm winds from the Horse Plains keep the lowlands hot and dry during spring and summer.