Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Law and Chaos in the Badlands — Part 4

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

This final part is somewhat superfluous as the religion of Lahr plays no direct role in the central conflict of the Badlands campaign. If a PC decides to be a Lahrist, however, they would find plenty here to motivate them to join the fight. I'm only including the information in this series to be a completist on the topic of the major human religions in my Remedios campaign.

The following section details the Order of Lahr—once the predominant human faith, now a shadow of its former glory.

The Order of Lahr declined precipitously within a century of the founding of the merchant empire and the establishment of the Solis faith. As the empire spread, the open practice of the Lahr faith became forbidden in many lands, in deference to the new religion of the sun-god. The Khossites seemed to vanish completely, slipping into the annals of infamy and shadowy legend. Both these ancient religions still exist, of course, and their hidden war rages on.

The Grand Temple of Lahr in the City of Remedios
Lahrists are devoted to law, order, and justice in the service of human civilization. Forthright and often unforgiving in their methods, Lahrists are not necessarily “good,” but will fight for the greater good by punishing evil and injustice. Their tenets emphasize maintaining a reasoned neutrality in the interest of "blind justice," until one's guilt has been established. Once an offender's guilt is known, however, Lahrist punishment can be quite brutal.

Most human-folk in Remedios belong to the Solis faith, but the old order of Lahr was once strong in this part of the world and maintains many faithful among the population who still believe in the "old ways." 

One of only three remaining Lahr temples in the world stands in the capital city, from which its supreme leader—the Most-Holy of Lahr—guides the faith. An order of zealous paladins called the Sworn-Hands of Lahr protects the temples, and its members travel the world looking for signs of Khossite activity.

The Lahrist Creed

A Lahrist is a seeker..."

"A Lahrist seeks balance, weighted against those with evil hearts.”

A Lahrist seeks order in the face of entropic chaos, to drive back the forces of disorder and ruin.”

"A Lahrist seeks purity through struggle, sacrifice, and selflessness.”

A Lahrist seeks holiness through austerity, and serenity through benevolence.”

A Lahrist seeks to maintain the rule of law, and where there is none, to impose it.”

A Lahrist seeks to protect the helpless and avenge the wronged.”

Above all, a Lahrist seeks to SERVE, and in so doing, to OBEY without question.”

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