Thursday, February 2, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 4 (#Dungeon23)

"The Crypts"
Level 1 (JAN) – The Upper Works
Section 4 (1/22 – 1/28)

Scale: Each square = 60ft. x 60ft.

The pickled dead of the old city are stored below the surface necropolis. Fairly dry tunnels and chambers down here. Dressed stonework is old and cracked, but still solid.

–The crypts are a grid of identical nodal chambers connected by short passages (see (b) below). 

  • A few larger room complexes within the grid comprise the major encounter areas.
  • Skeletal remains are found randomly throughout the grid, as though whomever the person was simply laid down on the spot and died. No clothes or other items are found among the bones.

–Encounter chance = 1:d6 (roll ea. turn)

  • Common = Gt. Rats, Skeletons, Pile of Bones
  • Uncommon = [#1d3*] Crypt Tenders, Ghouls (1.2.4), Shadows (1.4.1)
  • Rare= [#1d3] Ghost Spiderlings (1.4.4), Thouls (1.4.3)
  • Unique = Ghost Spider (+1d3+1 spiderlings – see 1.4.4); Wight (Vazimir's Lieutenant – see 1.4.7)
Giant Rat (AC 7, HP 1-4; AT 1, DAM 1-3; SA bite = 5% chance of disease) 

Skeleton (AC 7, HD 1, HP 1-8; AT 1; DAM 1-6 (clawing fingers); SD immune to cold, sleep, hold, mental attacks)

Pile of Bones contains remains of 1d3* people; when living creatures are near, the pile spawns 1-2 skeletons each round until the total # of remains is expended. When a skeleton is killed, it collapses into inert bones UNTIL a crypt tender piles the bones up again and infuses them somehow with artificial life.


(a) Main Passage = 10 ft. wide x 480-ft. long corridor; dimly lit by a glowing, pulsing chunk of quartz crystal embedded in the 10-ft. high ceiling every 30 ft. Every 120 ft. is a bulkhead of impervious blue metal (50% of the time, the bulkhead is closed by impervious blue metal doors that slide into the floor/ceiling; open and close at random).

(b) Nodes = 40-ft. sq. chambers lined w/(12) alcoves (4x4x4-ft.)—three to a wall. Each is dimly lit by a glowing chunk of quartz crystal in the center of the 15-ft. high ceiling.

  • Each node is connected to adjoining nodes by a 10x10x20-ft. passage on each wall.
  • At the mid point of each connecting passage is a bulkhead (as above, except the doors slide into the walls).

(c) Collapsed Area = A large section of the grid has collapsed here, though not completely in a few places. Careful navigation can bring the party into an isolated section of the crypts (see Bonus Rooms).

(d) Shaft = The main passage ends in a 30-ft. diam. cyst with a 15-ft. high domed ceiling. A 10-ft. diam. stone-lined shaft in the floor descends 50 ft. to Dungeon Level 2.

"Crypt Tenders" = A dozen (minor) clay golems that maintain the crypts...

  • Move jars/cylinders around.
  • Collect bones into piles (which then spawn 1d3 skeletons that wander the crypts and fall apart in a few days).
  • Seal alcoves with a wall, using bricks and mortar it magically creates from its own form.
  • Unseal alcoves by magically dissolving the bricks and moving any contents elsewhere.
  • Drop any foreign objects left in the crypts (bodies, gear, treasure, etc.) into the shaft in 1.4.1. 
  • Crypt Tender (AC 7, HP 25; AT 1; DAM 2-16; SA haste 1/day for 3 rounds; SD immune to most spells, cold and fire slow it for 2d6 rounds, electrical attacks heal it for 1 hp per die of damage

–The crypt tenders chase off vandals (incl. casters of destructive spells) and intruders who interrupt their work in any way, but they won't disturb anyone merely traversing the crypts.

  • Tearing down a brick wall, breaking a glass jar, or physically trying to open a cylinder will bring 1d3 crypt tenders to the location within 3d3 minutes to deal with the vandals.
  • A "live" crypt tender can replace a destroyed crypt tender with a new one in 1d4 weeks, magically constructing it from its own form.


Alcoves = 1d6 alcoves in any node are open and empty; the rest are sealed up with a wall of clay bricks and mortar (AC 2, HP 10). Tearing down the brick wall reveals that the alcove behind it... (d6):

    1) empty; 
    2) ...contains a pile of bones (as encounter)
    3) ...contains a 2-ft. diam. x 3 ft. high, sealed glass jar that... (d6):
                1 = broken (empty);
                2-3 = empty; 
                4 = filled with brine (1d10 x 10% full); 
                5-6 = ...contains the pickled remains of a nude human.*

    5-6) ...contains a 3-ft. diam., 4-ft. tall cylinder made of thin metal (like stainless steel).

    • On the cylinder's front surface is a small glass window, through which can be seen the face of a sleeping/deceased human.
    • Below the window is a 4x6-in. rectangle of crystal that glows... (d6): 1 = red; 2-5 = amber (flashing); 6 = green.
    • The tube is completely sealed and seamless (no obvious way to open it). If smashed open (AC 0, 100 hp)...
    • A cloud of chlorine gas is released (30-ft. diam. = save vs. breath or die; successful save takes 4d10 respiratory damage).
    • The body inside melts instantly (but leaves any jewelry behind – see below).

*The bodies inside the jars and cylinders are normal humans...

  • Jar humans are deceased; if released from the jar, the body decomposes within 1d4 minutes, leaving a pile of bones (inert) and 1d3* pieces of strangely-fashioned jewelry worth 1d3* x 50 gp ea.
  • Cylinder humans are deceased (red), deceased but possibly "viable" (amber), or "viable" (green). The only way to safely open cylinder is in somehow using the metal altar in 1.4.2. Each body wears 1d3*+1 pieces of jewelry worth 1d3* x 100 gp ea.



Scale: Each square = 10ft. x 10ft.

1.4.1 The Well of Utter Darkness (01/22)
Below the cenotaph (1.1.4), narrow stairs lead 20 ft. down to this chamber. A dimly-lit glass dome in the center of the 20-ft. high ceiling flickers randomly above a rimless well shaft (perfect 10-ft. diam.) in the floor. The air is filled w/an electric buzz.

–ALL light sources (even magic) dim by 50% in this chamber.

–2d3* shadows lurk here (and sometimes drift up into the Necropolis or into the Crypts).

  • Shadow (AC 7, HD 3+1, HP 4-25; AT 1, DAM 1-6; SA strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold, poison, paral., sleep, charm, hold, mental attacks)

–The shaft wall is lined w/ impervious blue metal; drops 100 ft to a surface of featureless darkness.

  • Any organic material passing into the darkness is atomized. Inorganic material is teleported to the bottom layer of the dungeon.
  • The darkness spins out 1d3 shadows every 24 hours; each exists a few days before fading away.


1.4.2 Priest's Tomb (01/23)
Passages from two nodes open into a columned hall that narrows at the far end. A wide passage exits east, where a statue stands in an alcove at the far-far end.

Area Key (upper level of room)

(a) Ceiling is 15-ft. high; pillars are smooth stone with no features; chamber is empty.

(b) On 1-2:d6, pit doors swing open and dump victims in, then snap shut.

(c) Statue of a holy man in strange garb, clutching scroll case.

(d) Stairs descend to area 1.4.2e.

Area Key (lower level of room)

(d) Stairs ascend to 1.4.2c.

(e) Four smooth pillars hold up a 15-ft. high ceiling. An arched alcove in the east wall holds a smooth stone sarcophagus. In the center of the room is a cage of floor-to-ceiling steel bars (3-in. diam., 6-in gap). The cage floor is a 3-ft. deep basin of water littered w/bones (pit damage = 1d6). A large shaft in the ceiling is the pit shaft from 1.4.2a.

–Lurking in the water are (4) putrid zombies that attack anyone falling in.

  • Putrid Zombie (AC 8, HD 2, HP 6,8x2,12; AT 1, DAM 1-8 (bite); SA bite causes disease 25%; SD immune to cold, enchantments, hold; always goes last (initiative)

–(2) necrophidii hide in the shadows of the alcove. When someone enters (e), they emerge and begin a hypnotic dance.
  • Necrophidius (FF – AC 2, HD 2, HP 12,13; AT 1, DAM 1-8; SA paralysis (bite) unless save vs. magic, "dance of death" (as hypnotism); SD totally silent (surprises on 1-3:d6), immune to poison, morale, sleep, charm, and mind-affecting spells). NOTE: NOT undead.
–If one necrophidius is killed, the sarcophagus lid slides open and a wight emerges (dressed identical to the statue in 1.4.2c).
  • Wight (AC 5, HD 4+3, HP 27; AT 1 claw, DAM 1-4 + level drain; SA level drain; SD silver or magic weapons to hit, immue to cold, sleep, hold, and enchantments)
  • The wight is a blackened, shriveled creature in rotting robes. It clutches an engraved alabaster scrollcase containing a mummy's hide scrawled with arcane formulations. While holding it, the wight cannot be turned and has +1 on all saves. A living creature who bears the scroll also gains immunity to fear (in addition to save mod).

(f) The sarcophagus contains 50 silver ingots worth 10 gp ea.; (3) gems (50 gp x2, 100 gp x1); a silver and emerald ring (1,400 gp), a silver and emerald belt (1,900 gp), and a gold bracelet (500 gp). 
(g) With a word, the wight can command one of these secret doors to open, releasing (8) skeletons in chain mail and shield w/short swords from each secret chamber (can open one door/round).
1.4.3 River Thouls (01/24)
A section of crypts collapsed into a large cave near the river, where a half-dozen trolls made their lair. The cave floor is covered by 1-2 ft. of cold water.

–The trolls sneak into the crypts to steal body jars. They find the pickled humans and brine delicious, but consuming them has transformed the "common" trolls into (6) withered thouls.

  • Thoul (AC 6, HD 3+3, HP ; AT 3, DAM 1-4/1-4/1-6; SA paralyzing touch; SD regenerate 2 hp/round)
–A Wand of Detect Magic lies hidden beneath the water near the entrance. On the opposite side of the cave, also hidden below the water, are (3) clay jugs sealed with wax containing a mix of coins (total = 1,325 cp, 1,141 sp, and 823 gp).
–Three submerged tunnels lead out to the river.

1.4.4 Ghost Spider (01/25)
It is not immediately apparent, but this cluster of nodes is choked with invisible webs. (Use the sample nodal map)...

–Moving more than 10 ft. from an entrance subjects person to the effects of a Web spell. The lair's inhabitants will investigate any prey caught in the webs.

– A ghost spider inhabits one of the (4) nodes (determine randomly); 2d3* ghost spiderlings inhabit each of the other nodes.
  • Ghost Spider (AC 4, HD 5, HP 31; AT 1, DAM 1-8(+level drain); SA bite venom is pure evil = drains 1 level if save vs. poison fails; SD invisibility, silver or magic weapons to hit, immune to sleep, hold, cold, enchantment). This undead spider is invisible in its natural state. It becomes visible when it bites, but automatically turns invisible again in 2d6 segments.
    • Even when "visible", the ghost spider is transparent and difficult to target (attackers are (-2) to hit it; the spider is +2 to saves vs. any directed, attack-type spell).
    • The ghost spider spawns 1d3 spiderlings each week; each spiderling lasts 1-2 weeks before fading away.
  • Ghost Spiderling (AC 6, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 1; DAM 1-4+STR drain; SA bite drains 1 point of STR (as shadow) if save vs. poison fails; SD invisibility (as above), immune to sleep, hold, cold, enchantment)

–If the webs are completely cleared from the node occupied by the ghost spider, the following treasure is found among bones secreted within invisible cocoons: 122 gp, 853 sp, 1,530 cp; (12) gems ; a steel helmet inscribed with a Rune of Protection (+1 AC); (3) magic-user scrolls (Dancing Lights, Ray of Enfeeblement, Clairvoyance); a Potion of Healing; a Potion of Treasure Finding, and a quiver of (7) +1 Arrows.

1.4.5 Temple of Cylinders (01/26)
The chamber walls are lined with metal racks holding the same metal cylinders found in sealed alcoves (all flashing amber). On the far end of the room is a raised dais and a metal altar upon which a cylinder rests on its side.

–An oddly-shaped golem made of the same metal patrols the room. Its body is a 4-ft. diam. sphere, with spindly, 6-ft. long arms and legs; its spherical head sits on a 3-ft. high flexible stalk (can swivel 180 degrees) and bears a single eye made of glowing red crystal.

  • Steel Golem (ATWM III – AC (-1), HD 20, HP 90; MV 3"; AT 1 fist, DAM 4d10; SA Emit 30 ft. cloud of chlorine gas (+2 save vs. breath or die; successful save = 4d10 respiratory damage) 3/day, eyebeam (as Power Word: Stun) 1/day; SD +4 or better weapons to hit, cold slows it, fire heals it for same amount).
–The cylinder laying on the metal altar is secured to it by a powerful clamp (req. 23 STR to even budge it); its crystal flashes green.
  • Crypt tenders occasionally bring flashing amber cylinders in here and place them in empty racks.
  • When a cylinder is "ready," the steel golem puts it on the altar; the crystal goes from flashing amber to flashing green (and eventually to solid green).

  • When the crystal is solid green, the steel golem removes it from the altar and hands it to a crypt tender (which returns it to an alcove in the crypt and seals it up).

1.4.6 Lord's Tomb (01/27)
Passages from 8 nodes are filled with thick gray fog (magical and perpetual; even if dispersed, the fog reforms in just a few minutes). The passages enter a hall that runs a circuit around an inner chamber.

–The fog has substance and impedes movement (as Slow spell); lurking in the fog (and unaffected by it) are (8) desiccated zombies (two per "wing" of the hall) that repel intruders.

  • Desiccated Zombie (AC 6, MV 90, HD 2+4, HP 6-20; AT 2 (claws and bite); DAM 2-8/1-6; SA bite is +2 to hit IF claws also hit; SD immune to enchantments, hold, cold, susceptible to fire (as mummy)).
Concealed by the fog in the west wing is a wide alcove with a pair of stone doors on the back wall that push open into a long, pillared hall. Archways lead into chambers flanking the central hall.

–At the far end is a dais and golden throne with a finial made of a 3-ft. high shard of glowing crystal (illuminates the room). A skeletal figure in shimmering robes sits on the throne and holds a golden scepter capped with a chunk of the same crystal.

–The dais is flanked by standing suits of unusual-looking "plate" armor (ceramic, has a glossy finish) and holding a type of glaive. Another pair of plate-armor suits with glaives flanks the doors. Inside each suit is a skeleton.
  • Skeleton (AC 0, HD 2, HP 12 ea.; AT 1; DAM 1-6; SD Immune to cold, sleep, charm, hold, mental attacks)
–The skeletal figure is a crypt thing. When the party enters, it throws back its hood to reveal a skull wearing a thin gold crown. In an ancient tongue, it asks the party's business and makes small talk until it gets bored and demands they leave.
  • It has no memory of who it was in life, and no longer cares.
  • It has an affinity for crystals and crystal-powered devices found in the dungeon. If the party brings it such things, it might agree to teleport them to a dungeon location they have been previously (it can control the destination if it wants to).

–If attacked, the crypt thing uses its teleport power to send party members elsewhere and then commands the skeletons to attack anyone left. Any zombies left in the outer hall also join the battle.
  • Crypt Thing (AC 3, HD 6, HP 36; AT 1, DAM 1-8; SA teleport other; SD magic weapons req. to hit)
    • Its crown causes half the damage done to it back to an attacker within 10 ft. (negative energy).
    • The throne radiates Fear (lasts 10 rounds); once per round, the crystal finial can fire a Magic Missile spell (at 2nd level) upon command of the golden scepter.
    • The crown and throne cease to function when the crypt thing is killed; the scepter becomes a normal Wand (Rod) of Magic Missiles (with 42 charges).
–(4) chests can be found in the side chambers. Each chest is locked and trapped...
  • Chest #1 is trapped with a poison needle (save or fall into an enchanted sleep for 2-5 days or until Neutralize Poison is cast). It contains 2,250 ep, 1,161 gp, 477 pp.
  • Chest #2 is trapped with a Glyph of Warding: Energy Drain (save vs. spells or lose 1 level). It contains (4) potions: Delusion, Oil of Slipperiness, Plant Control, Undead Control; (3) m-u scrolls: Pyrotechnics, Strength, Prot. from Evil 10' rad.

  • Chest #3 releases an invisible stalker to kill the opener. It contains a Cloak of Resistance (+1 to all saves) and a jar of Oil of Etherealness.

  • Chest #4 is trapped with Explosive Runes which become visible when the lid is lifted (6d4+6 damage in 10-ft. rad.; all victims other than reader can roll a save for half damage). It contains (8) gems (10x3, 50x1, 100x2, 1,000x1, 2,500x1) and a Folding Boat.

1.4.7 Vazimir's Vault (01/28)
These chambers comprise the undercroft of the lich's lair inside the Colossal Head (1.1.5). Vazimir is a former cleric/wizard, who came to these ruins long ago to conduct arcane experiments in search of the secret to immortality.

–Gaining Vazimir's trust carries advantages...

  • He offers to purchase magic items (and might trade for minor items). He arms his most powerful undead servants with the choicest items and magically smelts the rest for components.
  • He might allow the party to use the tower's direct entrances to the crypts and levels 2, 3, and 4—especially if they bring him magic items.

NOTE: Vazimir can sense the world and communicate through his wight lieutenants. He uses them to scout around and do his bidding (including interacting with party members; most of their contacts with Vazimir will be via the wights).

Room Key

(a) The passage from the crypt ends in an small chamber with three arched exits (the keystone above each is carved with the same visage as the Colossal Head). The right/left exits lead into areas (b); the middle one is a staircase down to level 2.

(b) (6) skeletons in chain+shield (AC 4) with short swords stand against the outer wall in each chamber (12 total). They attack anyone entering, which immediately draws the skeletons in the other chamber (b) into battle.

  • In addition, 1d3 skeletons from (d) enter the fray each round.
  • NOTE: Determine how many wights (1d4-1) are present in areas e-g; these creatures enter the battle 3+1d3 rounds after it starts (see below). One of the wights will immediately demand to know the party's business. (Vazimir would prefer it if the party would leave him alone and not destroy his hard-earned undead minions.)

(c) Stairs ascend to the (well-defended) ground floor of Vazimir's lair inside the Colossal Head.
(d) (12) skeletons (chain mail+shield, short sword) stand in two rows in the center of the room. Massive steel vault doors on three walls are open or closed depending on whether occupant is "in" or "out". Closed doors are locked and can only be opened with a Knock spell.

(e-g) Each room is a crypt for one of Vazimir's (3) lieutenants (wights). Each crypt is empty save for a steel sarcophagus. Rooms (e) and (f) have a door-sized panel of impervious blue metal on one wall; inset into the wall next to it is a 2x3-in. panel of quartz crystal.
  • Wight (base) (AC 5, HD 4+3, HP 32,38,41; AT 1 claw; DAM 1-4+level drain; SA drain 1 level; SD silver or magic weapons req. to hit, imm. to sleep, hold, cold, enchantments)
    • Wight (e) wears Bracers of Armour (+3) (AC 2), miscellaneous jewelry worth (1d6 x 500 gp), and a platinum ring with a square-cut piece of quartz crystal (100 gp).

    • Wight (f) uses a +2 dagger (DAM 3-6+level drain) and wears a Robe of Useful Items, miscellaneous jewelry worth (1d6 x 500 gp), and an identical ring as wight (e).

    • Wight (g) is Vazimir's chief lieutenant; it uses a Dancing Sword, and wears +1 plate mail (AC 2) and a Helm of Comprehend Languages.
–Touching the crystal of a wight's ring to the crystal panel in their corresponding crypt causes the blue metal panel to slide aside, revealing stairs down to level 3 (3.2.1) in crypt e, or level 4 (4.2.1) in crypt f. Anyone in possession of these rings earns Vazimir's enmity and he stops at nothing to recover it.

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