Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 3, Cont. (02/15 – 02/21)
Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.
2.3.5 Dark Reservoir (02/19)The subterranean river plunges over a 20-ft. waterfall into a deep pool of dark water (25 ft. deep max.) Next to the waterfall, a set of slick stone steps descends to a gravel shore by the pool. The cavern ceiling 50 ft. above is hung with stalactites.
–The reservoir is inhabited by a hydra with giant cobras for heads and a giant python's body. It will attack anyone swimming in the lake or walking along the shoreline to 2.3.7.
- Hydra (AC 5, HD 8, HP 64; AT 9, DAM 1-8(x8)/2-8; SA spit blinding venom (30 ft., save vs. breath or blinded for 1d4+2 rounds), poison bite, constriction)
Up to half the hydra's current heads spit blinding venom at opponents; the rest of the heads bite blinded victim(s) with venomous fangs. Its body constricts as a giant boa.
- The hydra withdraws to its lair (2.3.7) when reduced to 50% hp.
2.3.6 Troglodyte Caves (02/20)
Mating troglodytes swim upstream from Dungeon Level 10 to deposit and fertilize their eggs in this series of flooded, reeking caverns.
–The water is 3-4 ft. deep in most spots; slick floors make movement difficult (half-move).
–The trogs' stench permeates these caves. Every turn spent here requires a save vs. poison or lose 1 point of STR.
–During mating season, the trogs' stench is euphoric to them—they fight as berserk = +2 to hit, no morale checks.
- Troglodyte (AC 5, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 3 or 1, DAM 1-3/1-3/1d4+1 or by weapon; SA repulsive odor (save vs. poison or lose 1 STR per round for 1d6 rounds), berserk (+2 to hit, no morale checks); SD chameleon camouflage (surprise on 1-4)).
(a) Six trogs lair here. Only 0-3 are visible; the rest are submerged, and will swim behind PCs to ambush them. Any disturbance here brings trogs from (b) and (c).
(b) Hundreds of trog eggs float on the water's surface. (8) trogs watch over the eggs; (4) more lurk beneath the water.
- Half the visible trogs engage intruders; the others push the mass of eggs into (a) or (c). Meanwhile, the submerged trogs swim around and ambush PCs.
Any disturbance here brings trogs from (a) and (c).
(c) Six trogs lair here. Only 0-3 are visible; the others are submerged and will swim around to ambush PCs. Any disturbance here brings trogs from (a) and (b).
- A noticeable current swirls at the north end of the cave. Below the swirl is a submerged tunnel to (d).
- A skeleton is encased in the lime; if excavated, it wears +1 Banded Armor and has a rotting leather sack: 661 sp, 88 pp, 10 gems (10x5, 50x1, 100x1, 500x2, 1,000x1), 5 jewelry (silver belt w/ gems=1,600 gpv; silver orb=600 gpv; gold sceptre w/gems=6,000 gpv; silver and gold bracelet=700gpv; silver letter opener=100gpv).
The current carries anyone in the water into another submerged tunnel that sweeps swimmers to 2.4.7.
2.3.7 The Boathouse (02/21)
The gravel shore by the reservoir leads to a square, tower-like structure hewn from the living rock. The tower rises from the reservoir floor and extends to the cavern ceiling (total height = 75 ft. over five interior levels).
(a) Ground floor (unlocked "stainless steel" door swings open). The interior is empty; "stainless steel" ladders bolted to the walls lead up to (b) and down to (d).
- Another "stainless steel" door opens onto a stone pier where a slender, "stainless steel" boat (12 ft. long by 3 ft. wide) is moored.
- Large chunks of orange crystal are mounted in the prow and stern.
- (6) bench-type seats, but no oarlocks, oars, or tiller.
- Below the crystals is a 6-in sq. panel, each with a slot for a crystal wafer (a yellow chip is set above the slot).
- When a yellow wafer is inserted, the crystals begin glowing as the boat "powers up" (see below).
(b) The interior is empty, save for two giant ant tunnels bored through the walls. "Stainless steel" ladders bolted to the walls lead up to (c) and down to (a).
- The giant ant tunnels (2-ft. diam.) corkscrew up to 1.2.6. There is a 1:d8 chance to encounter 3d3* giant ants here (25% chance that 1d3* aspis drones are with them).
(c) Empty room save for a "stainless steel" podium standing in the center of the floor.
- The podium features a switch (pointing left) with a crystal rectangle (translucent clear) set above it.
If the switch is turned to the right, the crystal rectangle glows orange. In addition, the wall crystals in (f) begin to glow, and the metal door in 2.3.3 slides open.
(d) The basement is flooded with 10 ft. of reservoir water, which conceals another ladder and opening in the floor to (e).
(e) Totally-flooded sub-basement; a large hole in the wall opens out into reservoir. The hydra lairs in this room; scattered about the muddy floor are bones and the hydra's treasure: 3,215 sp, 1,054 ep, 1,122 gp (all ancient coins); (8) gems (25x2, 50x1, 100x2, 500 pearl x1, 1k fire opal x1, 10k diamond x1), and a trident made of a single piece of "stainless steel" (a +2 Trident of Fish Control).
(f) The reservoir empties into a 30-ft. wide river tunnel with a 10-ft. high ceiling.
- Large (6 x 3-ft.) diamond-shaped orange crystals are set into the tunnel walls in pairs, on opposite sides every 40 ft.
If the crystals in both the boat (a) and the river tunnel are powered up, the boat will automatically navigate the tunnel safely down to Dungeon Level 3 (3.4.1).
Otherwise, the party must physically navigate the swiftly-rushing, rapid-filled watercourse, with a 75% chance of being overturned and dumped into the river.
"The Upper Caves"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 4 (02/22 – 02/28)
Several tunnels intersect in a smallish cave. A cluster of milky-white crystal blooms from one wall. Mysterious symbols are painted in yellow on the west wall.
–The milky-white crystal is similar to other (colored) crystal blooms, except it is mostly opaque except at the edges (which are semi-translucent).
–The yellow paint is unusually vibrant—almost glowing—in the presence of light. When exposed to torchlight for a few rounds, the symbols glow in the dark for several hours afterward.
- If translated, the message says: "Troval went this way –>." The arrow points toward the tunnel to 2.4.3. The map symbols (T–>) indicate similar such messages found throughout the caves.
2.4.2 Roper Cave (02/23)
Open cave with a 20-ft. high ceiling hung with MANY stalactites. Huge fissure on the south wall.
–Anyone sliding down the salt chute from 2.3.4 is flung into the center of the room and can take no action in the first round (as though surprised). The south side of the cave is now a huge pile of salt.
–Otherwise, the fissure is found to be packed with salt and impassable.
–The ceiling is covered with (20) piercers (0–2 of them attack each target in the cave, each round).
- Piercer (AC 3, MV 10 ft. per round, HD 1x10,2x4,3x4,4x2, HP var; AT 1, DAM 1-6 per HD; SA 95% surprise)
–A roper hangs on the ceiling among the other stalactites.
- Roper (AC 0, HD 10, HP 48; AT 1, DAM 2d10+2; SA (6) tentacles (50 ft. range; hit reduces STR by 50%); SD immune to electrical attacks, half damage from cold, -4 saves vs. fire; MR 80%)
Found in the roper's gizzard are (17) pellets of platinum (a digestive by-product; ea. pellet = 5 gp); and (15) gems (10x8, 25x2, 50x2, 100x1, 150x1, 1000x3).
2.4.3 River Chasm Bridge (02/24)
A "natural" rock bridge spans the river gorge, 15 ft. above the rushing water.
–The bridge is seamless stone emerging from the surrounding rock (as though magically-formed).
–(2) carrion crawlers lurk beneath the bridge and attack anyone crossing it. 1d3 rounds later, (2) more carrion crawlers emerge from a hidden cave 15 ft. above the bridge.- Carrion Crawler (AC 3/7, HD 3+1, HP 11,12,16,21; AT 8; DAM 0; SA paralysis)
–The monsters' cave lair is filled with bones and chitinous moltings; a Crossbow of Range can be found amongst the detritus. In one corner is a clutch of slimy carrion crawler eggs waiting to hatch.
2.4.4 Spore-filled Cave (02/25)
Huge cavern with a 25-ft. ceiling hung with stalactites. The floor and lower walls are carpeted with a profusion of fungus and molds. Three "chimney vents" (4–6-ft. high) near the middle of the cave spew a fog of fungal spores, which drift through the air like ash before settling on the ground. The cave is dimly lit by hundreds of glowworms (2.3.2) crawling across the walls and feasting on the mold.
–The spores reduce visibility to ~30 ft. and confuse the senses.
–(12) violet fungus stalks are concealed among the otherwise harmless fungi.
- Violet Fungus (AC 7, HD 3, HP 7x2,11,13,14x2,15,16x3,18,21; AT 1-4, DAM 0; SA rot touch unless save vs. poison)
–Air currents cause a gas spore to orbit the cluster of spore vents, drifting slowly in a counter-clockwise direction. The gas spore carries several fungal passengers: a violet fungus stalk, (2) phycomid patches, and a shrieker.
- Gas Spore (AC 9, HD 1 hp, HP 1; AT 1, DAM 6-36; SA explodes when struck (20-ft. rad.); all affected must receive cure disease w/in 24 hours or die)
When killed, the gas spore explodes like normal; the external fungi fly 2-20 ft. in a random direction and plop to the ground, where they remain actively dangerous.
- Phycomid (MM II – AC 5, HD 4, HP 18,20; AT 2 globs (7-12 ft. range), DAM 3-6/3-6; SA infection; SD immune to charm, hold, mental attacks; +4 saves vs. fire, auto. half damage or none with save)
Shrieker (AC 7, HD 3, HP 13; AT 0, DAM 0; SD noise)
- The shrieker reacts to light within 30 ft or movement within 10 ft.
- If it screams = 1-2:d6 chance that 1-2 umber hulks (2.4.5) come to investigate in 3-6 rounds.
–Two of the chimney vents are only about a foot in diam. and clogged with fungus. The third vent is ~2 ft. in diam. and leads down to Dungeon Level 4 (4.4.4).
- If the spore vents remain open, violet fungi regrow at the rate of 0-2 stalks per week. There is also a 10% chance per week that a shrieker, phycomid patch, or gas spore appears as well.
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