Thursday, March 23, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 10 (#Dungeon23)

So, my goal to catch up posting new material by the weekend failed miserably. I think I've decided—starting in April—to reconfigure my "publishing" schedule to move away from calendar weeks (my original goal was a weekly Sunday post). Now, I'll post whenever I complete a level section (7 rooms) so the sections don't keep getting broken up by the vagaries of the calendar.

I've also stopped putting future connecting level/room #s into the current keys. It's easy to figure out what section a level connector goes in, but stating the destination room# ahead of time has caused me a few problems once I get to that level/section and have to make the connections line up. Leaving them blank and backfilling them later makes my job easier.

This week's posting provides additional info on the nature and use of crystals and crystal devices found in the dungeon (much of which I ported over and adapted from my Deep Vaults concept).

"The Palace"
Level 3 (MAR) – The City of the Ancients
Section 1, Cont. (03/01 – 03/07)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 9 (#Dungeon23)

As I feared, the most difficult part of the #Dungeon23 project (for me) isn't writing a room every day, it's posting the work on a timely basis. 

Between spring landscaping projects, freelance writing projects, and running two D&D campaigns (one weekly campaign online and one bi-weekly campaign irl), most of my free time is spent creating the D23 content. The content is done, I just haven't had much extra time to post it to the blog.

This posting (for week #9) still puts me a full week (#10) behind, which becomes two weeks if I don't post again by this weekend (the current week is #11). My goal is to finish this week's rooms, take pictures of my completed pages, transcribe the pages into a doc, and then post the last two weeks by this weekend (or early next week). That will completely catch me up. I predict falling behind again, though.

I'm fairly pleased with the development of the dungeon so far (one-fifth of the total). It's holding my daily creative interest, and I've sketched out the entire thing in broad strokes, so that's a great sign for being able to complete it.

I was trying to create Tunnels Beneath the Earth completely from scratch (stealing just a few unused ideas from old notebooks which seemed to fit the theme), but elements from my Deep Vaults megadungeon concept began bleeding heavily into TuBE. I finally came to terms with the fact that I will likely never get around to finishing DV, so I may as well just merge the two concepts together.

It's not a wholesale union; the factions are all different, for example, and TuBE's scale utterly dwarfs DV's, but I'm stealing many of the sci-fantasy elements I liked from DV (particularly the crystals and some of the weird technology). I introduced a bit of that material in Level 3 (starting this week), and I started calling the "impervious blue metal" by its new, super-obvious name: impervium.

I have some regrets about how I structured the dungeon at the beginning. I wasn't thinking about the calendar dates; I was looking at the project as 7 rooms per section, with 52 sections total over 12 levels. I did not take into account that each month doesn't have 28 days (only one does, in fact...who knew??).  I don't want to just switch over to the calendar-less format because I like the conceit of having a monthly level theme.

This isn't that big a deal, structurally, but it means most of the weekly blog postings will cover pieces of two different sections, instead of one clean section at a time. Then at the end of the month, I have to add 2-3 "bonus" rooms to close out the calendar month/dungeon level.

If I could do it over, I would key my rooms to the calendar date. I think a lot of people did it that way, but I am dumb and took a weird approach to the structure. I may try to fix that situation here shortly.

On to Week 9. Fingers crossed I can get everything else posted by the weekend...

"The Upper Caves"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 4, Cont. (02/22 – 02/28)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

Owlbear Hill — Adventure Site Contest 2 Post-Mortem

My reviews of submissions for the Adventure Site Contest 2 are complete, my scores are turned in, and I've spent some time reflecting o...