Thursday, March 23, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 10 (#Dungeon23)

So, my goal to catch up posting new material by the weekend failed miserably. I think I've decided—starting in April—to reconfigure my "publishing" schedule to move away from calendar weeks (my original goal was a weekly Sunday post). Now, I'll post whenever I complete a level section (7 rooms) so the sections don't keep getting broken up by the vagaries of the calendar.

I've also stopped putting future connecting level/room #s into the current keys. It's easy to figure out what section a level connector goes in, but stating the destination room# ahead of time has caused me a few problems once I get to that level/section and have to make the connections line up. Leaving them blank and backfilling them later makes my job easier.

This week's posting provides additional info on the nature and use of crystals and crystal devices found in the dungeon (much of which I ported over and adapted from my Deep Vaults concept).

"The Palace"
Level 3 (MAR) – The City of the Ancients
Section 1, Cont. (03/01 – 03/07)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

3.1.5 Grimlock Hive (03/05)
The cyclopean stones that form this specific set of chambers (marked 'g') are broken and fractured to a far greater degree than found elsewhere in the ancient city, as though the area was struck by particularly powerful, localized seismic forces. 

–As a result, the walls, ceilings, and floors bear many jagged cracks, nooks, and crannies—some quite deep. 

–The entire area is infested with blind grimlock cannibals and their eyekiller pets.

  • Grimlock (FF – AC 5, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 1, DAM 1d6 or weapon; SD keen senses (20 ft. rad.), immune to light-/sight-based effects, undetectable when motionless (+1 to Surprise), save as 6F). Most grimlocks attack with claw-like fingernails, but 1:6 wields a crude weapon (club, handaxe, spear, etc.)
  • Grimlock Leader (FF – AC 4, HD 3, HP 3-24; AT 1, DAM 1-6 or weapon; SD as standard grimlock). Every group of (10) grimlocks also includes one of these brutes; virtually all use weapons, 1:6 has a 2-hander.

  • Eyekiller (FF – AC 5, HD 4, HP 4-32; AT 1 (constrict), DAM 1-6; SA death stare (1/day, reflects light into ray that hits vs. AC 10, save vs. death or die instantly, success = 3-18 damage)). Every group of (5) grimlocks includes 0-1 eyekiller (50/50).

–It's hard to say how many grimlocks live down here (a LOT). They raid the lower levels in large groups, so the current population of these hives represents only a portion of the whole.

  • It would take a concerted effort—an almost military-style campaign—to completely rid the place of them and prevent them from respawning. It's almost as if they emerge wholly from the slate-gray mud that pools in the dungeon's dark corners.
  • In each chamber marked 'g', count the # of map squares containing at least one wall segment (even those with entrances); roll that #d3* to determine a room's (current) population of grimlocks (including possible leader-types and/or eye-killers).

    • In each passage leading to a 'g' room, roll an extra check (1:6) to encounter 1d3* grimlocks; in passages between TWO 'g' rooms, the chance is 1-2:6 to encounter 2d3* grimlocks.
    • A chamber will completely repopulate with returning/new grimlocks in 2d3 weeks.

  • In the central gallery chambers, three gaping holes in the 20-ft. high ceiling lead up to Dungeon Level 2 (2.1.6). Beneath the holes, massive piles of rubble litter the floor.


3.1.6 Elevator (03/06)
The entrance portal to this chamber lies across a ceramic-tiled walkway (10-ft. long x 4-ft. wide) spanning the main water channel (3.1.2) 10 ft. below. Within the ceramic-tiled threshold is an impervium door with no handle or fittings. Set into the wall at waist level next to the door is a 3x5-in. rectangle of red crystal.

–Touching the red crystal scepter (3.1.7) to the wall crystal causes the door to slide open. Inside, a diamond-shaped impervium dais (20-ft. wide, 1-ft. high) rises from the center of the fractured stone floor. An impervium podium stands in the middle of the dais.

  • The podium (4-ft. high by 1-ft. square) is formed of the same single piece of metal as the dais. Its angled top bears a 3x5-in. rectangle of clear crystal. Below it is a crystal "socket" (see Crystals below) with an orange chip set above it.
  • Inserting an orange crystal "plug" (3.1.7) causes the clear crystal to glow softly. Tapping the clear crystal causes the platform to lower via an impervium shaft to Dungeon Level 4 (4.1._).

    • Tapping it a second time causes the platform to lower once more to Dungeon Level 5 (5.1._). A third tap takes the platform to Dungeon Level 6 (6.1._).
    • Tapping it twice rapidly at any point causes the platform to come to a stop, then return to the level above.


3.1.7 The Obsidian Throne (03/07)
The grimlock chieftain dwells here with his cadre, protected by the crystal guardians of the outer chambers.

(a) NOTE: When intruders come within 10 ft. of an entrance to either chamber, the guardians in both rooms begin to glow and activate. 

–Rising from the center of the floor in both chambers is a perfectly-chiseled orange crystal obelisk (4-ft. high x 2-ft. sq. (base) x 1-ft. sq. (tip)). An anvil-sized shard of red crystal floats 2-ft. above the pyramidal tip of each obelisk. Inch-wide, carbon-black scorch marks—hundreds of them—streak across the walls, ceiling, and floor in a crazy pattern.

  • When activated, the obelisk surrounds itself and the red crystal in a column of force (as Wall spell); if someone enters either room at this point, the crystal in that room reacts.
    • At the start of each round (before any actions)–and twice more at even intervals throughout the round—the obelisk lowers the forcefield over the red crystal for 2 segments (allowing it to be attacked). The red crystal flares just before this happens—a clue to the timing.

    • During this period, the crystal releases a sizzling beam of heat energy that sweeps across the entire room (2d10 damage, (-2) save vs. wands to avoid).
    • NOTE: The grimlocks in 3.1.7b can hear the crystal guardians activate and will prepare an ambush.

  • Attacking the Crystals: If the force column is brought down, the obelisk and/or red crystal can be targeted (see 3.1.4). If damaged, the piece explodes in a massive release of energy (10d6 damage, 60-ft. radius, save vs. breath for half damage).

(b) Cavernous chamber with impervium columns holding up a 40-ft. high ceiling. The walls are decorated with enormous murals, once vibrant now faded with antiquity. A 10-ft. deep, ceramic-tiled water channel (3.1.2) bisects the room, but is spanned by a pair of bridges (with no railings). At the far end, stone steps rise to a dais where an enormous black throne for a gigantic king looms over the hall.

–The throne room is occupied by (20) grimlocks (of average or better hp) and (4) grimlock leader-types, presided over by the grimlock chieftain.

  • Grimlock Chieftain (AC 3, HD 4, HP 15; AT 1 (claws or scepter), DAM 1-6 or 3-6 (mace); SA +1 to hit (mace); SD as standard grimlock).
  • This withered and decrepit individual wields power solely because it wields a "stainless steel" scepter capped with a 6-in. shard of red (heat) crystal. 

    • The scepter has three studs along its length; the haft butt is capped with a gold slot for a yellow (power) crystal wafer, one of which is currently inserted (it has 12 charges left before expended).
    • While powered, the scepter is a +1 Light Mace that automatically deactivates the sentry crystals in (a) when within 30 ft. of the obelisk. Pressing a stud causes the scepter to release #1 = Heat Aura (Protection from Cold - as reverse druid spell Protection from Fire) – costs 1 charge; #2 = Burning Hands (as m-u spell) – costs 2 ch.; #3 = Heat Metal (as druid spell) – costs 2 ch.

–The murals are indistinct in many spots, but visible scenes depict a highly-developed civilization of humans, who all seem perfect specimens without flaw. They engage in a variety of scientific, academic, religious, philosophical, athletic, and artistic endeavors, but each scene features a central figure who draws the eye and is clearly the focus of all the activity around them.

  • The scenes depict glorious aspects of these endeavors, and its chief participants as heroic or almost god-like. This is further enhanced by the artistic decision to portray the central figures as "giants" among the general humanity for whom they toil.
–The obsidian throne is perfectly-carved from a single, 12-ft. cube of actual obsidian (the edges are so sharp they cut like blades). The throne is polished to a mirror finish and large enough to seat an 18-20-ft. tall man.
  • It isn't obvious while standing on the floor, but there is a crystal socket on the top of the throne's 12-ft. high back. No chip indicates the type of crystal plug to use, however.
  • When a dark purple crystal plug is socketed, anyone sitting in the chair sees an image floating before them that no one else can see. Also, (4) alien glyphs appear on each chair arm (8 total)—one glows softly. Touching a different glyph causes it to glow as the previous one dims, and the floating image changes to show a new location...

  1. Floor of the Arena (3.4.7) [current image]
  2. TBD
  3. TBD
  4. TBD
  5. TBD
  6. TBD
  7. TBD
  8. TBD
  • A hidden panel on the back of the throne opens a swiveling compartment containing (6) electrum rods (worth 500 gp ea.), (4) yellow crystal wafers, (2) orange crystal wafers, and an orange crystal "plug."

–A pair of side passages on the east and west walls enter unmapped areas (perhaps royal apartments or similar chambers; or maybe just ruined dead-ends).

–A secret panel (2x3-ft.) on the west wall swings open when to reveal a 3x5-in. rectangle of red crystal. Touching the red crystal scepter (3.1.7) to it causes a secret door to rumble open.

  • The 75-ft. long secret corridor beyond ends in an impervium door with a red crystal rectangle; it opens in a similar fashion into 3.1.6.



Crystals (Supplemental Section)
Clusters of translucent euhedral crystal can be found throughout the dungeon, "blooming" from the stone in patches ranging in size from a foot in diameter to several hundred square feet. Numerous devices in the dungeon are powered by the energy contained within specially-cut crystal shards ("power crystals").

–Lifecycle: A patch first forms as a druse—a surface of stone covered with small, faceted crystals resembling moss. As the patch blooms over several weeks and months, the crystals form elongated prisms that grow from the druse to a typical length of 6-18 in. (some can grow to 3-4 ft. long—and even longer). Most prisms have 4-8 faceted sides with an angular termination.

As the prisms grow, the crystal's energy is "dormant." Within a few weeks of maturity, the growth ceases. A few weeks later, the crystal's energy "activates" and the patch begins glowing softly from deep within the cluster. The energy remains active for weeks or months—sometimes years—during which the activated prism crystals can be harvested to make power crystals. Though coloration is similar to natural gems, the crystals are not precious stones.

A single "patch" consists of 1d3* individual clusters of crystal (~5 ft. or less diam. area of druse with 3d3* prisms). The clusters are contiguous but spread out in a random pattern. Each crystal cluster has a specific color and activity "state" (roll for each).

A cluster's color (and energy) changes over time, but eventually all color fades as the crystal depletes its last energy and "dies," turning opaque and milky-white. This also occurs when a cluster's prisms are all harvested. Dead crystal patches can linger for years before shattering spontaneously into a fine powder and drifting away on dungeon air currents. Some mature active clusters become unstable and degrade rapidly, ejecting plumes of potentially-dangerous, radioactive crystalline filaments before ultimately exploding in a destructive blast of energy.

–Color: A crystal’s color indicates its energy type...

  • Clear (transmitter)
  • Red (fire/heat)
  • Orange (force/gravity)
  • Yellow (electromagnetism)
  • Green (bio/necrotic)
  • Blue (arcane)
  • Dark Purple (psychic)
  • Light Purple (dimensional)
  • Milky-White ("dead")

–Energy State (2d6): 2 = Dead, 3-8 = Dormant, 9-11 = Active, 12 = Pluming

  • Active: Using advanced tools (such as those found on Dungeon Level 7), the prism crystals can be harvested to make power crystals.
  • Dormant: The prism crystals can be harvested but cannot be used to make power crystals.

  • Pluming: The cluster emits clouds of crystal "dust" that can be harmful. Each round spent within 20 ft. of a pluming cluster requires a save vs. breath or suffer an effect (or one of several options) based on crystal color...
    • Clear = no effect UNLESS another nearby crystal patch is pluming, in which case it will mirror that crystal's effect.
    • Red = burned*
    • Orange = thrown back 4d6 ft. (as pit), or become either incredibly heavy (as Slow spell) or light (as Jump spell) (50/50) for 1d3* turns.
    • Yellow = shocked* or become magnetized for 1d3* turns.
    • Green = poisoned* or healed for 2d6 hp (effective only once per 24 hours).
    • Blue = become resistant/vulnerable (50/50) to magic spells/effects (+/-1 to saving throws) for 1d3* HOURS.
    • Dark Purple = mind-blasted* or stunned (psionic) for 1d3* turns.
    • Light Purple = knocked out of phase (semi-incorporeal; unable to interact with physical objects, but cannot pass through solid matter) for 1d3* turns.

                     *2d6 damage (half if save succeeds)

–Damaging Crystals: These crystals are a synthesis of arcane and elemental magic fused with ancient science, which makes them resistant to normal tools and weapons.

  • Striking a crystal to break it requires first rolling a nat-20 with a +1 (or better) weapon, then doing 10+ damage with the attack.
    • Each add'l magic "plus" of the weapon reduces the required d20 result by 1 (e.g., +2 weapon req. rolling a '19' or '20' to damage the crystal).

    • Each 10 points of damage breaks a crystal piece into 1d3* crystal shards. Activated crystals (including power crystals) that break will explode on 1-4:d6, shattering into dust and doing damage (commensurate with its energy type) in a 15-ft. rad. A small, fist-sized piece does 1d6 damage, multiplied by relative size for larger pieces.

–Power Crystals and Mountings: Advanced tools can be used to extract shards of raw crystal from a cluster, and then cut them into a variety of forms. 

  • Most devices require crystals of a specific color (usually indicated by a small chip of the necessary crystal set into the device above the mounting) and/or form, inserted into a proper mounting.
  • Using an incorrect power crystal typically does nothing, but might cause complications when operating certain devices.

  • Common Forms and Mountings
    • Shard = a piece of raw activated crystal, often integrated into a device as an energy focus. They can range in size from slivers to man-sized chunks (or larger).
    • Plug = a perfectly-cut block (2x2x6 in.) of activated crystal. Plugs go in sockets.

    • Wafer = a 2x3x1/16-in. "card" of activated crystal. Wafers get inserted into "slots." Each wafer has 6d3* charges of energy; when expended, it atomizes.
    • Socket = a 2x2x4-in. depression with a back "plate" of yellow crystal. A crystal plug can be inserted to activate a device.

    • Slot = a 2-in. tall by 1/16-in. wide aperture. A crystal wafer can be inserted to power a device. It fits flush, but can be "popped" out by pressing on it.


"The Library"
Level 3 (MAR) – The City of the Ancients
Section 2 (03/08 – 03/14)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

NOTE: The stairs from 1.4.7e descend 50 ft., turn north, then descend another 50 ft. to a passage that enters this section of the level (to the south of the octagonal chamber marked 'o').

3.2.1 Light Fixture (03/08)
(a) Set into the peak of the 20-ft. domed ceiling is a pyramidal-shaped clear crystal (2-ft. to a side and high); the tiniest pinpoint of light flickers within it. Emerging from the floor directly below the crystal is a "stainless steel" pole (3-ft. high) capped by a fist-sized orb of clear crystal.

–When a LIVING creature touches the pole-crystal, the pinpoint light within the pyramid-crystal grows steadily in intensity until the touch is removed (the light remains at this intensity). Touching it again causes the light to dim until it returns to its current state.

  • If the party wishes to test the light's upper limits, it eventually flares bright as the sun and then goes dark ("off"): Anyone in view must save vs. petrification or be blinded for 1d3* turns (nat-1 = permanently blind).

–In bright light conditions, a 10-ft. wide section of the west wall appears semi-translucent, with a hallway seemingly concealed behind it. Investigating the wall triggers a stunjelly to strike and then withdraw down the hidden passage to (b), with or without its prey.

  • Stunjelly (FF – AC 4, HD 4, HP see below; AT 1, DAM 2-8; SA paralyzation (5-20 rounds)

(b) A 30-ft. passage opens into an isolated chamber—the lair of (7) clever stunjellies (HP 14, 16x2, 19x2, 20, 23). The first jelly protects the opening and then retreats after discovery/attack to draw prey into the passage, where the other six jellies line the walls—three to either side.

–Inside the west chamber is an unlocked "stainless steel" box containing 3,110 ep, 1,897 gp and 958 pp (ancient coins).

3.2.2 Pivoting Hall (03/09)
The arched staircase from 2.2.3 descends 50 ft. to a short (20 ft.) passage that opens into this domed chamber (15 ft. high). Another passage exits to the north, but comes to a dead-end after just 20 ft. Emerging from the floor in the middle of the domed chamber is a "stainless steel" podium.

–The podium's angled top is inset with a golden disc (8-in. diam.) that has a vertical slot in the center, similar to a crystal wafer slot, but larger and with three short nubs branching from it.

  • Inserting the proper "key" (3.2.6) and turning it to the right causes the entire hallway—from the bottom of the stairs to the dead-end—to pivot on a central point below the podium until it turns 90 degrees to position '2.' 
    • The "north" passage now faces east and no longer dead-ends but continues on to 3.2.7. The south passage now dead-ends and the stairs up to Dungeon Level 3 are cut off.

    • The "keyhole" snaps back to a vertical position; if the key is turned left, the passage pivots back to its original position (1). If turned to the right again while the passage is in position 2, however, the passage swings to position 3, revealing a staircase down to Dungeon Level 4 (4.2._).

 3.2.3 Osquip Nests (03/10)
A 20-ft. wide passage enters from the west; a 10-ft. wide, 10-ft. deep water channel (3.1.2) runs down the middle of this passage, with a 10-ft. wide walkway to either side of it.

–The ceramic-tiled channel enters the room then empties into a 20-ft. diam., 20-ft. deep reservoir pool, ceramic tiled w/an impervium drain cover (4-in holes) on the floor.

  • If water is flowing (2.1.4), the channel and reservoir are filled with water to a depth of 9 ft.
  • The drain shaft leads to Dungeon Level 4 (4.2._).

A series of chamber to the south of this room were damaged extensively by seismic activity. The partially-collapsed walls and ceilings make these rooms more cave-like, with many cracks and fissures—the perfect nesting grounds for the verminous osquip that infest this entire level.

 –Entering a room marked 'o' = encounter w/4d3* osquips.

  • Osquip (FF - AC 7, MV 12"(1/2"), HD 3+1, HP 4-25; AT 1 (bite); DAM 2-12)
  • The osquip are numerous and breed incessantly. Only the carrion cats (3.2.6) and other monsters keep them from taking over the level.

–The sinkhole shaft from 2.2.0d descends 50 ft. to one of the larger chambers here.

 3.2.4 Steel Mule (03/11)
An ancient courtyard lies in ruins. Broken bits of statuary (people...scholars or perhaps nobles?) litter the ground. (6) cave lizards sniff around for osquips to eat.

  • Cave Lizard (AC 5, HD 6, HP _; AT 1; DAM 2-12; SA nat-20 does double damage and clamps victim; SD camouflage, can run on walls and move normal on ceilings)

–Laying on its side against one wall is a rectangular, "stainless steel" basket (2-ft. wide and high by 3-ft. long) with four spindly legs (1-ft. long) that bow slightly at the "knee."

  • Along the basket's rim is a panel featuring both a socket for a blue crystal plug and a slot for a blue crystal wafer. When either is inserted, the basket animates and will follow the person who last did so, keeping a respectful 10 ft. distance. It will always match its "master's" pace, with a maximum movement speed = 12".
  • The steel mule has 19 STR for encumbrance purposes and can carry anything placed within the basket. It operates indefinitely with a plug, or for up to an hour per wafer charge.

  • It does its best to overcome obstacles between it and its master, but won't harm itself doing so. If its master is ever more than 60 ft. from it, the mule remains motionless until they return (or someone pulls out the plug and reinserts it).
– END OF WEEK 10 –

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