Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Dolmen Tomb – Area 6: Huntress' Crypt


Dozens of ancient skeletons are laid out on straw mats lining the dusty floor. A crudely-carved stone sarcophagus rests before the angled north walls. The lid of the sarcophagus is sealed with lead and carved with ancient glyphs that tell the tale of Saba—Wife of Chief Mesharsu of the Coyote Clan; Huntress of the Great Plain.

  • Skeletons. When the secret door swings open, 4d3 brittle skeletons rise immediately and attack. Each round thereafter, 2d3 more skeletons rise until all have animated (24 total).
  • Sarcophagus. When the brittle skeletons become active, the lead seal vaporizes with a flash and slides open in 1d3 rounds, releasing Saba—a wight armed with a +1 Shortbow. Tucked into her belt is a gold wand.

    • Saba will stand atop her sarcophagus and shoot arrows at intruders attempting to get past her skeletal minions (she ignores her minions as ranks covering the target). If an enemy engages her, she will move Hunter's Mark onto them and attack with her spear and Life Drain. She will attempt to Disengage and move away at the best opportunity, then resume her shortbow attacks.
    • Gold Wand. Other than being made of gold, this wand is identical to the item found in area 5. See area 19 for details on using this wand.

  • Treasure. Concealed behind the sarcophagus is a bronze coffer containing: 1,210 cp, 706 sp, 124 gp; an ornate bronze box <15> containing a bony finger wearing a ring of red iron decorated with a scarlet ruby; and (3) clay runic tablets (as Spell Scrolls of: Animal Friendship, Hail of Thorns, Locate Animals or Plants).

    • Blood-red Ring. (Req. Attunement) This iron ring reduces bleeding and makes wounds close faster. Once per Long Rest, when the wearer is reduced to 0 HP, they are reduced to 1 HP instead. Whenever the wearer must roll Death Saves, they may fail four times before dying, and only require two successes to stabilize. In addition, their recovery time from falling unconscious is halved.

<< Area 5: General's Crypt

>> Area 7: Antechamber

 New Monsters

Brittle Skeleton
Medium undead, neutral
AC 12 (no armor)
HP 1
Speed 30

STR        DEX        CON        INT      WIS        CHA
10 (+0)    14 (+2)    10 (+0)     6 (-2)     8 (-1)      5 (-3)

Vulnerabilities. Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances. Piercing
Damage Immunities. Poison
Condition Immunities. Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
CR 1/8 (25 XP)
Proficiency. +0

–Loosely-Assembled. Because they are a collection of barely-held together bones, a brittle skeleton can pass through a Small opening or an ally’s space without penalty. Two brittle skeletons can occupy and fight in the same space without being considered prone.


Bony Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 4 (1d4+2) slashing.

Push-through. When faced with a line of enemies, a brittle skeleton can use its Action to throw itself against an opponent’s space, breaking apart into its constituent bones and then reforming on the other side. The brittle skeleton can only move up to 10 ft. in this manner, but can do so through spaces controlled by another creature.


Medium undead, neutral
AC 13 (no armor)
HP 45 (6d8+18)
Speed 30 

STR        DEX         CON        INT       WIS       CHA
14 (+2)   16 (+3)     16 (+3)   10 (+0)    13 (+1)   15 (+2)

Saving Throws. DEX +5
Skills. Athletics +4, Perception +3, Stealth +5
Damage Resistances. Non-magical weapons that aren't silvered
Damage Immunities. Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunities. Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 12
CR 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency. +2

Horde Breaker. Once on each of her turns when she makes a weapon attack, Saba can make another attack with the same weapon (including Life Drain) against a different creature that is within 5 ft. of the original target and within range of her weapon.

Magic Items. Saba attacks with a +1 Shortbow.

–Sharpshooter. A master bow-woman, Saba ignores half cover and three-quarters cover, and does not have disadvantage for bow attacks at long range. In addition, she can choose to take a –5 penalty to her attack roll in exchange for a +10 bonus to the damage if the attack hits.

–Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Saba has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on WIS (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Turn Resistance. Because she is an undead animated by vengeance and is within her consecrated burial ground, Saba has advantage on saves to avoid being turned.


Multiattack. Saba makes two +1 Shortbow attacks or one Spear attack and one Life Drain

+1 Shortbow. Ranged Spell Attack: +6, Range 80/320, one target, Hit: 9 (1d6+2) piercing plus 3 (1d6) piercing on a target with Hunter's Mark.

Bronze Spear (2-handed). Melee Weapon Attack: +4, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing plus 3 (1d6) piercing on a target with Hunter's Mark.

–Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 6 (1d4+3) piercing plus 3 (1d6) piercing on a target with Hunter's Mark.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 6 (1d6+3) necrotic plus 3 (1d6) necrotic on a target with Hunter's Mark. The target must succeed on a DC 13 CON save or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie under Saba's control, unless the humanoid is restored to life or its body is destroyed. Saba can have no more than twelve zombies under her control at one time.

Bonus Actions

–Hunter's Mark (3/Day). Saba can cast Hunter's Mark (as Spell) on a target within 90 ft. This ability requires her Concentration which can be broken. She deals 1d6 additional damage when she hits with any of her attacks (including Life Drain).

Raise Minions (Recharge 5–6). Saba can use her bonus action to reanimate 1d3 "dead" brittle skeletons within 30 ft. of her.

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