Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Dolmen Tomb – Area 12: Shrine

A terracotta statue of a matronly woman sits cross-legged upon a raised (1-ft. high) dais on the south wall, and cradles a stone urn in her lap. The dais surrounding her is covered with dozens of unlit candles, wooden bowls and straw baskets filled with desiccated offerings, and two sealed clay jars. The room is filled with a fecund, earthy aroma and hints of floral perfume.

  • Terracotta Statue. The statue is 8-ft. high (seated) and depicts the clan’s goddess, Thera (an older, pagan version of the modern goddess of the Solis pantheon). She is bare-breasted with an ample belly and a humble crown.
  • Stone Urn. This is an ossuary—a holy relic. It is 9–12-in. diam. and stands 18-in. high. Including its contents, the ossuary weighs about 25 lbs. The urn is decorated with ancient runes that translate as: “Asura, First Priestess of Thera.” Embossed around the urn’s circumference are a prominent sigil of Thera and a motif of three pastoral scenes, each framed by designs of twisting vines: 1) an ancient farmstead worked by common folk; 2) the interior of a hut in which a woman breastfeeds an infant; and 3) a mountain temple, above which a gynosphinx soars.
    •  The ossuary can be removed from the statue’s lap, but anyone doing so without lighting the dais candles first (see below) triggers a trap.

    • The lid comes off easily. Inside are old bones and dust. Anyone defiling or dumping out the contents is hereafter cursed by Thera and marked as a “transgressor” to her current-day faithful (who have advantage to hit the cursed subject).
  • Candles. The candles are of various sizes, shapes, and colors; all show signs of having been lit in the past (charred wicks, partial melting). Lighting the candles with a regular or magical flame does nothing unusual other than fill the room with warm light. If ALL 144 candles are lit with the votive candles that were specifically lit by the altar flame (area 10)—a process that takes 10 min.—then everyone in the room is healed to full HP and the ossuary may be removed without triggering the trap.
  • Trap! Removing the ossuary without first lighting the candles with the altar flame causes an earth elemental spirit to rise from the floor of the east entrance (blocking the exit). Its purpose is to recover the ossuary and punish any transgressors. The elemental spirit is derived from the Summon Elemental spell (TCE); the power of the shrine gives it Magic Resistance as well.
  • Sealed Clay Jars. Each of these oversized containers is sealed with wax and holds treasure.
    • Jar 1: 1,427 cp, 660 sp, 120 gp, (4) airtight clay jars (8 oz. ea.) containing magically-preserved spices: one holds pepper <1>, the others hold cinnamon <1> ea.

    • Jar 2: 898 cp, 707 sp, 109 gp, (2) jars of fine scented oil <10> ea., a Potion of Climbing, a Potion of Greater Healing; (3) clay runic tablets (as Spell Scrolls): Mage Hand (cantrip), Locate Animal or Plant (1st), Plant Growth (3rd); a Lantern of Darklight (The lantern consumes a pint of oil over one hour, but sheds NO light. While “lit,” however, anyone within a 30-ft. radius of the bearer gains Darkvision within that area); and a Medallion of Shielding (Req. Attunement; the wearer can cast the Shield spell once per Long Rest).

<< Area 11: Processional Hall

>> Area 13:  Trapped Hall


 New Monsters

Earth Elemental Spirit
Medium elemental, unaligned
AC 15 (natural armor)
HP 50 (spell)
Speed 40, burrow 40

STR        DEX        CON       INT     WIS      CHA 
18 (+4)    15 (+2)   17 (+3)    4 (-3)   10 (+0)  16 (+3)

Damage Resistances. Piercing, Slashing
Damage Immunities. Poison
Condition Immunities. Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
CR 4 (1,100 XP)
Proficiency. +2

–Magic Resistance. The elemental spirit has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. The elemental spirit makes two Slam attacks on its turn.

–Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 13 (1d10+8) bludgeoning.

Art Acknowledgment: I grabbed the image for the elemental spirit from Paper Miniatures' Patreon and redrew it as a Roll20 token for personal use. Visit their page—they have tons of great D&D artwork for free and for subscription as well.

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