Friday, March 22, 2024

Adventure Site Contest

Ben Gibson over at Coldlight Press hosted an adventure contest for short, 2-page scenarios, so I entered a 1e/OSRIC version of an ettercap lair, titled: Etta Capp's Cottage

I posted my 5e version of this "lurid lair" a few years ago, but reworked it to not only convert the adventure to a different system, but also to trim out and adapt the writeup to fit the contest guidelines (and fix a few map details). The contest version isn't dramatically different than the original, but I had to lose some of the details (most of which were either campaign-specific or backstory bits that weren't essential to running the scenario).

With judging complete, I didn't win the contest, but my adventure was selected for inclusion in a for-free publication on in the future. Congratulations to the contest winners, and thanks, Ben, for hosting the's always fun to share my work with others and get feedback to improve my dungeon design.

Here is Ben's review of the adventure, along with reviews from contest judges EOTB and Owen Edwards YT channel (review starts at 16:52).

When I first posted the 5e version, my players had avoided the encounter initially, but they returned to it a few sessions later and vanquished the ettercap-matron. I also included the encounter in my Badlands campaign (modified to fit the desert-canyon locale) for a different group of players, and ran a hastily-converted version for an OSRIC one-shot. The two versions are very different, gameplay-wise, but the creepiness of the adventure setting really worked on all the players.

Here is the 1e/OSRIC version I submitted if anyone wants to download a copy, but I encourage everyone to pick up the Adventure Sites publication from Coldlight Press once it's released. It sounds like there were some great entries and I can't wait to get a look for myself.

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