Thursday, October 13, 2022

Notable Personalities and Characters (NPCs)

The following morning, the party assembles outside the Tavern, taking note of a group of peasant lackeys milling about a large wooden sign, tacked up with numerous notices. The lackeys press the party for work, offering to tote gear or hold torches. Most of the party members ignore the lackeys to examine the notices.

Eager to sculpt a reputation for himself, Ban pulls a half-dozen lackeys aside and gives each of them a silver bit, which they eagerly accept. He then instructs each one to begin spreading a carefully-crafted rumor about a visiting raconteur named Ban Barlowe—famous across the land for his access to King Manfred's court, his reputation as a rakish rascal, and for his romantic (and sometimes adulterous) affairs.

Once inside the Tavern, the party discusses a plan and arrive at a consensus to return to the site of the caravan ambush and try to find and follow the bandits' tracks back to their hideout. There might be more loot there to recover, and now that they know they can take ears for money, maybe they can find some more gobbos to kill.

First, they need to purchase equipment and decide to head to the Provisioner's shop to gear up. Smitty wants better armor, so he heads straightaway to the Smithy. He enters the smoky interior through a pair of wooden doors that stand wide open. The forge sits in the center of the open room, with the heat and smoke venting through a hole in the ceiling. The walls are hung with various tools and weapons, and there, in one corner, hangs a suit of chain mail on a stand.

The blacksmith, a burly, black-bearded man, looks up from the spear he sharpens and says, "Howdy! Can I help ya?" Smitty introduces himself and expresses interest in the chain mail. The smith grins broadly and offers a grimy handshake, "Come on in...they call me 'Iron Dan'!"


In the original B2 Keep on the Borderlands, Gary Gygax didn't name the non-player characters (NPCs) who inhabit the Keep so as to help a DM adapt the module to their own campaign. He wrote each NPC in fairly broad strokes, but injected a ton of flavor and personality into each brief description.

For my Badlands campaign, I wanted to hew as closely to the original as possible, with an understanding that it's possible some of my players will figure out that this campaign is B2 in disguise, which might render some of the conflict and treachery in the module less effective. As a result, some of the NPC details from B2 are modified from the original text.

It's also possible my players may become, or are already aware of this blog, in which case I am revealing many important campaign details they are not meant to know. If this is any of my Monday night Roll20 guys, please stop reading now...


In general, NPCs provide a good source of rumors about the Keep and/or the Badlands. Most NPCs have a "normal" chance to know a rumor (roll 1-3 on 1d6), and might share it with a character who strikes up a conversation or offers money for info. Any exceptions are noted under individual NPCs. Some NPCs also have secrets or backstories that might intersect with the party's efforts.

Renown (and often money) can be earned by doing favors for, or otherwise serving, the interests of individual NPCs. I use a simple system in which characters earn and accumulate renown points: 1 point for a simple gesture, 2 or 3 for a small favor, 6-8 for a big favor, up to 10 points for accomplishing a major mission.

The total score gives me a loose scale to quickly evaluate the character's standing with the NPC in question (hostile, indifferent, or friendly). The higher the character's score, the more access they have to the NPC and their resources.

I consider a score of '5' to move an NPC from "indifferent" to "on friendly terms," while a score of '10' means the NPC views the character as an "ally." At '20' renown, the character is seen as a "friend" and/or "trusted ally." Any points earned beyond that simply increases the level of trust for the NPC. This system also works for factional organizations such as "The Keep" or "The Merchant's Guild." 

Renown can also be lost for poor manners, miscreant behavior, or outright douchebaggery. Negative renown indicates an NPC's hostility or even hatred of the character, and might even get the character booted out of the Keep.

The following NPC roster fleshes out the prominent residents of Irongate Keep. I have provided names for them, because my players will ask, but I tend to call them by their titles/professions during play.

The Bailiff
Sgt. Cobb reports directly to the Captain-of-the-Guard and is charged with maintaining order among the civilian population. He is authorized to act as sheriff and magistrate to deal with petty crimes and resolve simple disputes. He is stern and inquisitive, with a sharp mind. His ability scores are the same as a standard lieutenant, except he has 14 INT and 14 WIS. He has additional proficiency in Insight, Perception, and Investigation, and gains advantage on any rolls to see through Deception checks or resist Charm spells used against him.

Instead of the standard kit, the Bailiff wears a chain shirt and no shield (AC 15) and a black cloak with gold hem. He also uses a longsword and (sometimes) a quality longbow. He takes no guff and will not hesitate to lock up troublemakers, but he is polite and respectful of those who follow the law. Bailiff’s deputies are standard guards wearing leather armor and shield, and wielding truncheons and daggers. They also wear black cloaks with gold hem.

  • Rumors: The Bailiff provides no rumors and becomes suspicious of anyone asking questions. His deputies are well-disciplined to follow suit.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Bailiff by performing services for the Keep (general renown). Any actions which contribute to the apprehension of a criminal inside the keep walls will also earn renown. The Bailiff's deputies share his renown score.

The Banker
Master Olbert is a once-hearty but now paunchy older man who moves with a limp. His clothes are of a finer sort, but not overly so. He is a shrewd negotiator and miserly in his accounts. A retired adventurer (3rd-level fighter, 12 STR, 12 CON), the Banker is still handy with a short sword, and keeps his old chain mail and shield stored in his apartment. The bank's clerk (Clarke) is a 2nd-level wizard. The bank guard (Dorn) is also a 3rd-level fighter with chain mail and battleaxe.

  • Rumors: Each man has a normal chance to know a Keep or Badlands rumor.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Banker by performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Blacksmith
“Iron Dan” earned the nickname due to his toughness. He is a strong commoner (STR 17) who wears leather armor and uses his smith's hammer as a weapon. He also carries 4d10 bits and 1d6 guilders in his pouch. His two assistants (STR 14) are commoners who fight with hammers or similar tools. They  carry 2d6 sp each.
  • Rumors: The Blacksmith has a normal chance to know a Keep or Badlands rumor. His assistants know any Keep rumors only.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Blacksmith by purchasing goods from him and performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Captain-of-the-Guard
Captain Osric is kind and friendly, an excellent leader and veteran of many battles. He wears a standard guard captain's kit, except his tabard has a burgundy sash with two gold stars, and he wears a burgundy cloak with gold hem. He also wears a great helm adorned with a raven’s feather.

  • Rumors: Osric does not discuss rumors with anyone.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Captain-of-the-Guard by performing services for the Keep and turning in bounties for eliminating local threats (general renown).

  • Secret: A former adventurer, Osric sometimes disguises himself as a mercenary named “Ciros” to move about the Lower Bailey keeping tabs on things (in the tavern, most often). He dons a long black wig and beard, dark clothing, and a different, more ornate set of armor (+1 chain mail and shield). He wears a dark cloak clasped with a gold brooch in the shape of a raven, along with his personal weapons: a +1 longsword and a quality dagger (does +1 non-magical damage) with a 150 gp sapphire in the pommel. 
Astute characters engaging him in conversation might realize he wears a disguise (DC 15 Perception check to notice). Ciros will definitely engage in Badlands rumors, and is keenly interested to hear Keep rumors.

If any character earns 5 renown with Ciros, he instructs them to see the Captain-of-the-Watch for a mission ("Tell him Ciros sent you.") He also informs the Castellan that he has found a possible candidate to help out with the situation to the south.

The Captain-of-the-Watch
Capt. Duvich is a grizzled veteran of many hard-fought skirmishes with orc raiders. He is gruff and ill-tempered, but he admires brave, outspoken fighters and is vulnerable to a pretty face. He hates orcs with a passion, so anyone who kills them quickly earns his respect. 

He wears a standard captain's kit, except that he does not use a shield (AC 15) and his tabard has a green sash with two gold stars. He also wears a dark green cloak with gold hem and a cougar pelt draped over his shoulders. The Captain-of-the-Watch wields a +1 longsword (orc-slayer) and +1 dagger (both recovered while exploring the Badlands), and uses a quality longbow that increases range limits by +20%.

  • Rumors: He does not discuss rumors with anyone. 
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Captain-of-the-Watch by performing services for the Keep and turning in bounties for eliminating local threats (general renown). 

    If any character earns 5 renown with the Captain-of-the-Watch, he offers them a mission: Giant spiders infest a canyon to the east—locate and destroy their nest, and bring back fangs for proof. He also informs the Castellan that he has found a possible candidate to help out with the situation to the south. If the party successfully completes this mission, they earn 5 renown each with the Captain, who arranges a meeting with the Castellan.

The Castellan
Lord Helmund is a retired general who was put in charge of this important keep as a “reward” for his valorous service. He is clever, brave, and honest, but can be too emotional and hasty in his decisions. A 7th-level fighter, he wears noble’s clothes, boots and cloak of elvenkind, a +1 dagger, a ring of protection (AC 14), and his symbol of office—a silver chain laced with gems (worth 1,800 gp). He also carries potions of levitation and greater healing. In his chambers he keeps +1 half-plate armor and +1 shield (AC 21) and a +1 scimitar.

The Castellan’s personal guard (area 27) are the cream of the keep’s troops: They fight as lieutenants wearing splint mail and shield (AC 19), wielding longswords and heavy crossbows.

The Castellan has received reports about cultist activity and dispatched scouts into the territory to search for evidence—but none have returned. He knows the cult’s base is hidden deep in The Badlands, but even if he knew where it was, he believes a frontal assault that far afield would likely devastate his troops and leave the Keep in peril. If the reports are true, then he needs the party members.

  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Castellan by performing services for the Keep and turning in bounties for eliminating local threats (general renown). Coming to the attention of, and impressing, the Castellan's closest officials is another quick way to earn renown with him.

When a party member earns 10 renown with either the Keep or a Keep Official (the Bailiff, the Captain-of-the-Guard, the Captain-of-the-Watch, The Doctor, the Master-of-Stores, or the Vizier), they are invited to the Upper Bailey to meet with the Castellan. At the meeting, which includes a formal dinner, the Castellan and his advisers carefully question the party. 

Rude or bad behavior causes the revel to end abruptly, and the party won’t be aided or invited back. If a party member tries to steal or is threatening, then the entire party is arrested and imprisoned by the Castellan's personal guards. If captured, they are roughly interrogated for any cultist connection and then beheaded. If the Castellan likes the party, however, and his advisers agree, he offers them a mission of vital importance to the Keep.

"Far to the south is a series of caves where groups of evil humanoids are rumored to be congregating. Some say an evil warlord* is at work gathering these humanoids from local tribes that normally war with each other. The warlord brands his minions with an evil mark; some wear badges with this sigil as well, which we believe might indicate some sort of rank or hierarchy. The keep can't risk sending our men down to investigate; they'd be seen from miles away and picked apart in the canyons. But a small band of infiltrators might be able to get close enough to take a look. Find this location, ascertain the situation, and return with information."

*The Castellan already knows from the Vizier that this is no warlord, but rather the cult of Khoss. He doesn't want word to leak out, however, and cause a panic among residents of the Keep.

As a reward, he will pay 500 guilders to each party member—200 upfront with the balance payable upon return to the Keep. He will also equip the party with whatever they need from keep stores (including some of the Doctor's potions). Finally, he doubles the regular bounties on humanoid trophies, and will also pay 5 guilders per badge they recover.

If the party successfully completes this mission, they earn 10 renown each with the Castellan and his principal advisers (but not with "The Keep," because this mission is secret). He offers them further rewards for destroying the Caves of Khoss and bringing him the heads of the cultist leaders.

The Curate
Brother Tamm is a 7th-level priest of Solis, and perhaps the most influential person in the Keep except for the Castellan. Friendly and congenial, he normally wears priestly vestments and a ring of protection (AC 11), but also owns +1 scale mail (AC 15 w/ring) and a +1 morning star. He rarely dons his armor and weapon (unless the Keep is threatened), but is never without his ring. His three acolytes wear robes, and arm themselves with maces if the Temple or Curate are attacked.

The Curate will heal a member of his congregation without cost. He will also heal anyone offering a donation to the chapel of 150 guilders per spell level.

  • Rumors: The Curate has a normal chance to know a Keep or Badlands rumor. He also suspects something isn’t right with the Visiting Priest of Thera, but will only share his concerns with someone he trusts (renown 10+), or with another Solis cleric or paladin. His acolytes only know Keep rumors.
If anyone mentions a cult or Khoss to the Curate, he tells them: "It is said that somewhere within the Badlands are the ruins of an ancient temple where an evil cult devoted to chaos once performed blood sacrifices. Some say they are still there, practicing their evil in secret."
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Curate by performing services for the Keep (general renown) and for advancing the interests of the Solis pantheon (including attending regular services at the Temple).

The Doctor
Doctor Fell is a sage and alchemist, and an important adviser to the Castellan. He is a slightly-creepy, highly-intelligent scientist with few moral qualms about conducting research. He has blotchy skin and patchy hair, and wears simple robes and thick spectacles. Despite all appearances, his intentions are good and he can be quite friendly once one gets to know him.

He can attempt to treat the wounds of injured allies of the Castellan (if so ordered), and he pays bounties on a number of herbal and medicinal components found in the Badlands. He also has a stash of potions which he can dole out to the Castellan’s allies: healing (x6) or heroism (x3). He can replenish 1d3 of these potions each week. He can also make potions of invisibility and mind reading, but only does so for trusted allies or at the Castellan's command.

  • Rumors: The Doctor has a normal chance to know a Keep or Badlands rumor. He is also aware of a situation brewing in the south (but knows nothing about the cult or the Caves of Chaos).
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Doctor by performing services for the Keep (general renown) and for acquiring valuable specimens of local flora and fauna.

    If any character earns 5 renown with the Doctor, he offers them a mission: In a canyon just a few miles southwest of the Keep is a box canyon where a pine grove grows. A cairn field—the burial grounds of an ancient tribe of nomads—lies beneath the trees, and it is said that the nomads' skeletons dance there in the moonlight.

    The Doctor wants the party to determine if the tales are true, and if so, to return some of their bones to the Keep for inspection (to ensure that evil forces are not afoot). He also informs the Castellan that he has found a possible candidate to help out with the situation to the south. If the party successfully completes this mission, they earn 5 renown each with the Doctor, who arranges a meeting with the Castellan.

The Guildmaster
Master Yorik is a savvy officer of the Merchant's Guild from the city of Remedios. He is influential with keep officials and often dines with the Castellan. The Guildmaster's favor might influence the treatment of Keep visitors by the lord’s men. He wears a gold signet ring worth 50 gp, and carries 4d6 bits and 3d6 guilders in his purse. The guild’s men-at-arms are highly-trained guards (STR 16, CON 14) who wear chain shirts and shields (AC 18), and wield spears and shortswords.
  • Rumors: The Guildmaster has a normal chance to know a Keep or Badlands rumor. 
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Guildmaster by performing services for the Keep (general renown). 

    If any character earns 5 renown with the Guildmaster, he offers them a mission: Humanoid raiders (goblins, hobgoblins, and red orcs) have been attacking smaller caravans along the northern trail—nearly a dozen such attacks on the Keep's supply lines in recent months. In a recent attack, a merchant was taken prisoner. A ranger hired to investigate followed the raiders' trail deep into the Badlands, but was turned away by a warband of red orcs waiting in ambush. 

    If the party agrees to investigate, the Guildmaster will pay them 250 guilders for news of the merchant’s fate or twice that if he is rescued. He also gives them the ranger’s map which will take them close to the canyon where the Caves can be found. The merchant is being held inside the caves by the cultists. If they are

The Innkeeper
Nob is a normal commoner with no fighting ability. He and his wife, Loba, and their three daughters—Esma, Edith, and Esther—live in a small apartment in the inn's attic. His wife and daughters don’t engage with guests, other than to politely respond to requests.
  • Rumors: The Innkeeper has a normal chance to know any Keep or Badlands rumor, he is also aware of rumors that evil forces are amassing in the south, and that keep officials are worried. If a character he trusts mentions something about encountering humanoids or cultists, he will confirm that something's going on, "...out past Carlos' Mine."
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Innkeeper by purchasing accommodations from him and for performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Jewel Merchant
Master Rossell and his wife, Ingurd, are wealthy humans from the far-off city of Leptos in the land of Meridia. They wear noble’s clothes and act in a cultured, slightly-snobbish manner. He and his wife (and her two brothers) are stuck at the Keep sitting on a small fortune in gems and jewelry. They are unhappy to be here and look down on most of the keep’s residents (although Rossell maintains good relations with the Banker and desires to get closer to the Castellan).

Each noble carries 3d6+6 guilders on their person, but also secreted in the merchant’s belt are (10) gems worth 10d10 guilders each. His wife wears a jeweled bracelet worth 300 guilders, a gold and sapphire necklace worth 600 guilders, and pearl earrings worth 150 guilders, all of which are available for sale. Ingurd’s brothers—Udo and Wladich—protect Rossel. They fight as thugs wearing chain shirts and shields (AC 16 w/DEX 12) and wielding longswords and daggers. Each brother has a well-trained pet mastiff that viciously attacks any target its master commands it to.

  • Rumors: The Jewel Merchant and his guards each have a normal chance to know any Keep rumor. His wife rarely leaves the house and only has a 1-in-6 chance to know a Keep rumor.
  • Renown: The Jewel Merchant buys and sells gems, jewelry, and other valuables containing precious metals and/or gemstones. Characters earn renown with the Jewel Merchant by bringing him such valuables (typically 1-2 points per load, depending on value).

    When a character earns 5 renown with the Jewel Merchant, he offers them a job: Travel to Carlos’ Mine in The Badlands and bring back a valuable shipment. He offers to pay each party member 50 guilders for their trouble. If they agree, he tells them about the directional signs to the mine (“...follow the sign of the pick.”). If the party successfully completes this mission, they earn 5 renown each with the Jewel Merchant.

The Master-of-Stores
Master Rubal is a scribe, but is otherwise a normal human commoner in all respects. He is an old man with poor eyesight and arthritic hands, who dresses in well-worn robes with a simple leather belt and pouch, and a cloth satchel over his shoulder. A cloth turban covers his bald head, and he typically clutches a thick ledger book under one arm. His belt pouch contains 2d6 pennies, 2d6 bits, and 1d6 guilders. His satchel contains a sheaf of parchment, an inkpot, and assorted feather quills.

  • Rumors: The Master-of-Stores is an inveterate gossip. Anyone who converses with him and rolls a DC 10 CHA check receives 1d3 Keep or Badlands rumors (roll type as normal).
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Master-of-Stores by performing services for the Keep (general renown).

  • Secret: The Master-of-Stores recently took a bribe to allow two men into the Keep who claimed to be desperate for work and shelter. He now regrets his actions and fears discovery, but he is tantalized by the pieces of mysterious, scarlet-tinted gold the men gave him, and so keeps his mouth shut. He has reason to worry, for the men are cultists who have infiltrated the keep and currently live in one of the Apartments (area 7g). 
They await a signal from the Visiting Priest to initiate their diabolical mission to poison the Lower Bailey's water supply (the Upper Bailey has its own water supply). Concealed among their belongings in their apartment space is a locked metal box that contains several flasks of highly-concentrated, extremely-virulent poison. One of the men is always in the apartment, watching over the box.

The Provisioner
Belgood is a commoner, but he is smart and a shrewd negotiator (14 INT, 14 WIS, Proficiency in Insight and Perception). In time of need, he will man the walls wearing leather armor and shield (AC 13), and fight with a spear. He carries 3d6 guilders in mixed coins.
  • Rumors: The Provisioner has a normal chance to know any Keep or Badlands rumor. He has also heard rumors of evil humanoids prowling the canyons to the south, and will warn any customer who appears to be mounting an expedition into the Badlands.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Provisioner by buying/selling/trading goods in his shop and for performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Trader
Rudolfio has dark skin, long black hair in tight curls, and hawkish features. He and his sons—Fredo and Miklo—are commoners in all respects—simple men trying to make an honest living. If the Keep comes under attack, he and his sons don leather armor and shield (AC 13), and wield halberds and short swords. Each man carries 3d6+6 pennies, 2d6+4 bits, and 1d6+2 guilders.
  • Rumors: The Trader and his sons have a normal chance to know any Keep or Badlands rumor.
  • Renown: Characters earn renown with the Trader by buying/selling/trading goods in his shops and for performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Taverner
Shagrat is a commoner. Late middle-aged, he is gruff and ill-tempered, often angry and perpetually bothered. He tolerates no funny business in the tavern and is generally unfriendly (at first) to strangers. He is loyal and generous to his friends, however, despite his outward demeanor. His dogsbody, Baldric, is a tough guy who likes to crack heads; in combat, he dons knuckledusters and fights as a thug.
  • Rumors: The Taverner hears lots of rumors, but will only discuss a subject after his palms have been crossed with silver. He not only automatically knows 1d3 Keep rumors and 1d3 Badlands rumors, but is also aware of rumors that evil forces are amassing in the south and that keep officials are worried. If a character whom he trusts mentions something about encountering humanoids or cultists, Shagrat will confirm that something's going on, "...out past Carlos' Mine." 
  •  Renown: Characters earn renown with the Taverner by purchasing goods from him and for performing services for the Keep (general renown).

The Visiting Priest
Brother Laycomb is a portly priest of Thera. A friendly and attentive listener, he is outspoken in his hatred of evil, but does not press his religious beliefs upon any unwilling person. He wears the traditional white-and-yellow robes of a priest of the sun-god, Solis, with a green and brown sash indicating his membership in the priestly order of the earth-goddess, Thera (Solis' heavenly wife). He also wields a wooden staff with a decorative headpiece carved to resemble the goddess—a matronly woman. 

His acolytes wear the simple white robes of an initiate and carry walking sticks with small brass bells that jingle when they walk. The two acolytes have taken a vow not to speak, and use the bells to communicate simple messages and alert others to their presence.

  • Rumors: The Visiting Priest knows many rumors about the Keep and the Badlands, and will share 1d3 of them with a friendly character. He will not reference any rumor about humanoids or trouble in the south, however, and will try to change the subject if anyone he doesn't trust brings up those topics.
  • Renown: Characters (ostensibly) earn renown with the Visiting Priest by performing services for the Keep (general renown) and for advancing the interests of the Solis pantheon (and the Theran order, in particular). In actuality, any earned renown is a front; the Visiting Priest doesn't actually care about any of it, nor does he hold any character or Keep resident in high regard.

  • Secret: The Visiting Priest is actually a priest of the cult of Khoss who spies on the goings-on in the Keep. His staff's ornate headpiece conceals a carved snake’s head, for it is a staff of the adder. He also has two spell scrolls: hold person and silence on him at all times. Properly armed for battle, he wears +1 scale mail (AC 15) which is hidden beneath his bed.
His acolytes—Samel and Hito—are actually cultist zealots with rapiers concealed in their walking sticks. Each cultist carries 4d6 bits and wears a gold chain worth 100 guilders concealed beneath their robes. The priest’s necklace also bears a bloodstone gem worth 250 guilders.

The Visiting Priest works to foil any investigation into cultist activities, but if he hears of an adventuring party seeking either the Caves of Chaos or the Hidden Temple of Thera, he offers to accompany them (along with his acolytes) and provide priestly help. The cultists will betray the party at an opportune moment.

The Vizier
Darassu is one the Castellan’s chief (non-military) advisers. An enigmatic figure who rarely speaks (but only whispers in the Castellan’s ear), he is clad in fine robes of indigo and gray, his face always hidden by a deep hood. Most Keep residents have no idea he is a half-elf. Beneath the hood, the Vizier is lean-faced with sharp features and green eyes, and shoulder-length hair drawn into a tight ponytail. His unblinking gaze can be unsettling.

The Vizier is a 7th-level Divination wizard (INT 17, WIS 16) who wears +2 magic robes (AC 15), a jeweled pendant worth 1,000 guilders, a ring of fire resistance, and a +2 poisoned dagger in a jeweled scabbard tucked into his waist sash. He also has a short bow and (10) +2 arrows in his chambers.

He has the following spell scrolls for sale/trade (valued at 150 guilders per spell level): alarm, comprehend languages, detect magic, and web. He has the following spells inscribed in his spellbook (which is also kept in his chambers).

Cantrips: acid splash,* light,* mage hand,* shocking grasp*
1st-level spells: alarm,* burning hands,* charm person,* comprehend languages,* detect magic,* feather fall,* floating disk,* identify,* magic missile
2nd-level spells: arcane lock,* hold person, misty step, scorching ray, web*
3rd-level spells: fly, major image, sending,* stinking cloud
4th-level spells: arcane eye
*He might be willing to craft a scroll for any of these spells (req. 10 faction).
  • Rumors: The Vizier is aware of 3d3 rumors on each of the Keep and Badlands tables, but won’t discuss them with anyone. He is also aware of the situation in the south and the growing humanoid menace. He is also one of the few individuals aware of the cultists' presence. He is willing to pay for rumors he doesn’t already possess.
  • Renown: The Vizier is eager to purchase any magic items, particularly scrolls, spellbooks, or sources of lore. Characters earn renown with the Vizier by performing services for the Keep (general renown) and for acquiring sources and artifacts of arcane knowledge.

    If any character earns 5 renown with the Vizier, he offers them a mission: A pair of adventurers from Remedios—friends of his—arrived at the keep two months ago. They embarked on a quest to investigate an abandoned mining camp, which was destroyed by a hill giant several years ago. His friends have not been heard from since. 

    The Vizier will pay the party members 200 guilders each to go to the site and find out what happened to his comrades. He also informs the Castellan that he has found a possible candidate to help out with the situation to the south. If the party successfully completes this mission, they earn 5 renown with the Vizier, who arranges a meeting with the Castellan.

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R.I.P. Chesty

 Farewell, my feline friend. You were a great companion, a one-of-a-kind mister, a stalwart mascot of our Tuesday night group, and a hardass...