Monday, February 27, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 8 (#Dungeon23)

"The Dark Reservoir"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 3, Cont. (02/15 – 02/21)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

2.3.5 Dark Reservoir (02/19)
The subterranean river plunges over a 20-ft. waterfall into a deep pool of dark water (25 ft. deep max.) Next to the waterfall, a set of slick stone steps descends to a gravel shore by the pool. The cavern ceiling 50 ft. above is hung with stalactites.

–The reservoir is inhabited by a hydra with giant cobras for heads and a giant python's body. It will attack anyone swimming in the lake or walking along the shoreline to 2.3.7.

  • Hydra (AC 5, HD 8, HP 64; AT 9, DAM 1-8(x8)/2-8; SA spit blinding venom (30 ft., save vs. breath or blinded for 1d4+2 rounds), poison bite, constriction)
  • Up to half the hydra's current heads spit blinding venom at opponents; the rest of the heads bite blinded victim(s) with venomous fangs. Its body constricts as a giant boa.

  • The hydra withdraws to its lair (2.3.7) when reduced to 50% hp.
–A tunnel to 2.3.6a is hidden behind the falls. Another submerged tunnel (15-ft. wide), 10 ft. below the water's surface on the reservoir's north wall, also leads to 2.3.6a. (The trog's stench keeps the hydra at bay.)

2.3.6 Troglodyte Caves (02/20)
Mating troglodytes swim upstream from Dungeon Level 10 to deposit and fertilize their eggs in this series of flooded, reeking caverns. 

–The water is 3-4 ft. deep in most spots; slick floors make movement difficult (half-move).

–The trogs' stench permeates these caves. Every turn spent here requires a save vs. poison or lose 1 point of STR.

–During mating season, the trogs' stench is euphoric to them—they fight as berserk = +2 to hit, no morale checks.

  • Troglodyte (AC 5, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 3 or 1, DAM 1-3/1-3/1d4+1 or by weapon; SA repulsive odor (save vs. poison or lose 1 STR per round for 1d6 rounds), berserk (+2 to hit, no morale checks); SD chameleon camouflage (surprise on 1-4)).

(a) Six trogs lair here. Only 0-3 are visible; the rest are submerged, and will swim behind PCs to ambush them. Any disturbance here brings trogs from (b) and (c).

(b) Hundreds of trog eggs float on the water's surface. (8) trogs watch over the eggs; (4) more lurk beneath the water.

  • Half the visible trogs engage intruders; the others push the mass of eggs into (a) or (c). Meanwhile, the submerged trogs swim around and ambush PCs.
  • Any disturbance here brings trogs from (a) and (c).

(c) Six trogs lair here. Only 0-3 are visible; the others are submerged and will swim around to ambush PCs. Any disturbance here brings trogs from (a) and (b).

  • A noticeable current swirls at the north end of the cave. Below the swirl is a submerged tunnel to (d).

(d) The submerged tunnel opens into a secret grotto; west side of cave is dry, but curtained in calcified lime. The low (8-ft.) ceiling is hung with small stalactites. The water flows out of the cave via a tight fissure in the north wall.

  • A skeleton is encased in the lime; if excavated, it wears +1 Banded Armor and has a rotting leather sack: 661 sp, 88 pp, 10 gems (10x5, 50x1, 100x1, 500x2, 1,000x1), 5 jewelry (silver belt w/ gems=1,600 gpv; silver orb=600 gpv; gold sceptre w/gems=6,000 gpv; silver and gold bracelet=700gpv; silver letter opener=100gpv).
  • The current carries anyone in the water into another submerged tunnel that sweeps swimmers to 2.4.7.


2.3.7 The Boathouse (02/21)
The gravel shore by the reservoir leads to a square, tower-like structure hewn from the living rock. The tower rises from the reservoir floor and extends to the cavern ceiling (total height = 75 ft. over five interior levels).

(a) Ground floor (unlocked "stainless steel" door swings open). The interior is empty; "stainless steel" ladders bolted to the walls lead up to (b) and down to (d).

  • Another "stainless steel" door opens onto a stone pier where a slender, "stainless steel" boat (12 ft. long by 3 ft. wide) is moored.
    • Large chunks of orange crystal are mounted in the prow and stern.
    • (6) bench-type seats, but no oarlocks, oars, or tiller.
    • Below the crystals is a 6-in sq. panel, each with a slot for a crystal wafer (a yellow chip is set above the slot).
    • When a yellow wafer is inserted, the crystals begin glowing as the boat "powers up" (see below).

(b) The interior is empty, save for two giant ant tunnels bored through the walls. "Stainless steel" ladders bolted to the walls lead up to (c) and down to (a).

  • The giant ant tunnels (2-ft. diam.) corkscrew up to 1.2.6. There is a 1:d8 chance to encounter 3d3* giant ants here (25% chance that 1d3* aspis drones are with them).

(c) Empty room save for a "stainless steel" podium standing in the center of the floor.

  • The podium features a switch (pointing left) with a crystal rectangle (translucent clear) set above it.
  • If the switch is turned to the right, the crystal rectangle glows orange. In addition, the wall crystals in (f) begin to glow, and the metal door in 2.3.3 slides open.

(d) The basement is flooded with 10 ft. of reservoir water, which conceals another ladder and opening in the floor to (e).

(e) Totally-flooded sub-basement; a large hole in the wall opens out into reservoir. The hydra lairs in this room; scattered about the muddy floor are bones and the hydra's treasure: 3,215 sp, 1,054 ep, 1,122 gp (all ancient coins); (8) gems (25x2, 50x1, 100x2, 500 pearl x1, 1k fire opal x1, 10k diamond x1), and a trident made of a single piece of "stainless steel" (a +2 Trident of Fish Control).

(f) The reservoir empties into a 30-ft. wide river tunnel with a 10-ft. high ceiling.

  • Large (6 x 3-ft.) diamond-shaped orange crystals are set into the tunnel walls in pairs, on opposite sides every 40 ft.
  • If the crystals in both the boat (a) and the river tunnel are powered up, the boat will automatically navigate the tunnel safely down to Dungeon Level 3 (3.4.1).

  • Otherwise, the party must physically navigate the swiftly-rushing, rapid-filled watercourse, with a 75% chance of being overturned and dumped into the river.


"The Upper Caves"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 4 (02/22 – 02/28)

2.4.1 Troval's Message (02/22)
Several tunnels intersect in a smallish cave. A cluster of milky-white crystal blooms from one wall. Mysterious symbols are painted in yellow on the west wall.

–The milky-white crystal is similar to other (colored) crystal blooms, except it is mostly opaque except at the edges (which are semi-translucent).

–The yellow paint is unusually vibrant—almost glowing—in the presence of light. When exposed to torchlight for a few rounds, the symbols glow in the dark for several hours afterward.

  • If translated, the message says: "Troval went this way –>." The arrow points toward the tunnel to 2.4.3. The map symbols (T–>) indicate similar such messages found throughout the caves.


2.4.2 Roper Cave (02/23)
Open cave with a 20-ft. high ceiling hung with MANY stalactites. Huge fissure on the south wall.

–Anyone sliding down the salt chute from 2.3.4 is flung into the center of the room and can take no action in the first round (as though surprised). The south side of the cave is now a huge pile of salt.

–Otherwise, the fissure is found to be packed with salt and impassable.

–The ceiling is covered with (20) piercers (0–2 of them attack each target in the cave, each round).

  • Piercer (AC 3, MV 10 ft. per round, HD 1x10,2x4,3x4,4x2, HP var; AT 1, DAM 1-6 per HD; SA 95% surprise)

–A roper hangs on the ceiling among the other stalactites.

  • Roper (AC 0, HD 10, HP 48; AT 1, DAM 2d10+2; SA (6) tentacles (50 ft. range; hit reduces STR by 50%); SD immune to electrical attacks, half damage from cold, -4 saves vs. fire; MR 80%)
  • Found in the roper's gizzard are (17) pellets of platinum (a digestive by-product; ea. pellet = 5 gp); and (15) gems (10x8, 25x2, 50x2, 100x1, 150x1, 1000x3).


2.4.3 River Chasm Bridge (02/24)
A "natural" rock bridge spans the river gorge, 15 ft. above the rushing water.

–The bridge is seamless stone emerging from the surrounding rock (as though magically-formed). 

–(2) carrion crawlers lurk beneath the bridge and attack anyone crossing it. 1d3 rounds later, (2) more carrion crawlers emerge from a hidden cave 15 ft. above the bridge.

  • Carrion Crawler (AC 3/7, HD 3+1, HP 11,12,16,21; AT 8; DAM 0; SA paralysis)

–The monsters' cave lair is filled with bones and chitinous moltings; a Crossbow of Range can be found amongst the detritus. In one corner is a clutch of slimy carrion crawler eggs waiting to hatch.


2.4.4 Spore-filled Cave (02/25)
Huge cavern with a 25-ft. ceiling hung with stalactites. The floor and lower walls are carpeted with a profusion of fungus and molds. Three "chimney vents" (4–6-ft. high) near the middle of the cave spew a fog of fungal spores, which drift through the air like ash before settling on the ground. The cave is dimly lit by hundreds of glowworms (2.3.2) crawling across the walls and feasting on the mold.

–The spores reduce visibility to ~30 ft. and confuse the senses.

–(12) violet fungus stalks are concealed among the otherwise harmless fungi.

  • Violet Fungus (AC 7, HD 3, HP 7x2,11,13,14x2,15,16x3,18,21; AT 1-4, DAM 0; SA rot touch unless save vs. poison)

–Air currents cause a gas spore to orbit the cluster of spore vents, drifting slowly in a counter-clockwise direction. The gas spore carries several fungal passengers: a violet fungus stalk, (2) phycomid patches, and a shrieker.

  • Gas Spore (AC 9, HD 1 hp, HP 1; AT 1, DAM 6-36; SA explodes when struck (20-ft. rad.); all affected must receive cure disease w/in 24 hours or die)
    • When killed, the gas spore explodes like normal; the external fungi fly 2-20 ft. in a random direction and plop to the ground, where they remain actively dangerous.

  • Phycomid (MM II – AC 5, HD 4, HP 18,20; AT 2 globs (7-12 ft. range), DAM 3-6/3-6; SA infection; SD immune to charm, hold, mental attacks; +4 saves vs. fire, auto. half damage or none with save)
  • Shrieker (AC 7, HD 3, HP 13; AT 0, DAM 0; SD noise)

    • The shrieker reacts to light within 30 ft or movement within 10 ft.
    • If it screams = 1-2:d6 chance that 1-2 umber hulks (2.4.5) come to investigate in 3-6 rounds.

–Two of the chimney vents are only about a foot in diam. and clogged with fungus. The third vent is ~2 ft. in diam. and leads down to Dungeon Level 4 (4.4.4).

  • If the spore vents remain open, violet fungi regrow at the rate of 0-2 stalks per week. There is also a 10% chance per week that a shrieker, phycomid patch, or gas spore appears as well.

– END OF WEEK 8 – 


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Saturday, February 18, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 7 (#Dungeon23)

"The Lower Caves"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 2, Cont. (02/08 – 02/14)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

2.2.5 Piercer Cave (02/12)
Standard cave with 20-ft. ceiling hung with stalactites; floor spiked with stalagmites. The entire south wall opens into the river gorge. A 10-ft. high shelf drops down to a gravel beach.

– (20) piercers (1HD x10, 2HD x5, 3HD x2, 4HD x3) on the ceiling move into position and drop on the party (0-2 piercers per target in the cave, per round).

  • Piercer (AC 3, MV 10 ft. per round, HD 1-4, HP VAR; AT 1, DAM 1-6 per HD; SA 95% surprise)


2.2.6 Mud Trap (02/13)
The river gorge expands into a large cavern encompassing this whole area. The river occupies the north half of the cavern, while the south half is a flat bank of muddy ground. The ceiling in the cavern is 30 ft. high (20 ft. at the outer edge of the mud flat).

–Anyone crossing the mud = 50% of regular move and must roll STR or less on 1d20 to avoid becoming stuck (Move 0 next round; roll STR check to become unstuck).

–(20) piercers (1HD x10, 2HD x1, 3HD x3, 4HD x6) on the ceiling move into position and drop on the party (0-2 piercers per target in this area, per round; "stuck" PCs attract +1 piercer).

–A half-dozen mudmen occupy the muddy ground as well; they emerge after the first round and throw mud.

  • Mudman (MMII – AC 10, MV 3", HD 2, HP 4,8,9,13,14x2; AT 1; DAM 0; SA mud-throwing (6" range, ea. hit slows move by 1"; when MV=0, target suffocates (1-8 damage each round) and dies in 5 rounds); SD immune to poison, mind-affecting spells, Dispel Magic and Dig act as Fireball against it, Transmute Mud to Rock kills it).

–Mud-men are created by areas of concentrated magic; these mud-men are the result of a Wand of Wonder buried here beneath 3 ft. of mud (can only be found with Detect Magic).

  • Slain mud-men are replaced at the rate of 1/week.


2.2.7 Crystal Torch (02/14)
A pair of 15-ft. high ledges can only be noticed from the empty cave if someone specifically inspects the ceiling with strong light. The shelf above is low-ceilinged (2-3 ft. high). Toward the back of the cave, something metal glints off any light sources.

–The object is a 2-ft. long, conical cylinder made of "stainless steel" (resembling a torch). It is wedged into the back of the shelf where the floor and ceiling come together.

  • The wide end (3-in. diam.) is capped with a rough-cut shard of clear crystal. The narrow end (2-in. diam.) is capped with a gold plate that has (2) thin slots for crystal wafers (a yellow crystal chip is set above one slot).
  • When a yellow crystal wafer is inserted in the chipped slot, and a wafer of any other color is inserted in the second slot, a glowing glyph (same color) appears on the cylinder. When touched, the crystal shard emits colored light = a torch. Tapping it again turns off the light.

  • Additional effects of the light vary depending on the color of the second wafer, but they ALL affect a 20-ft. rad. area. One hour of use consumes both wafers; turning it on for ANY amount of time consumes a minimum of 1 minute.
    • Clear = normal light 
    • Red = heat waves that reduce or prevent cold damage/effects
    • Orange = low-strength force-field keeps out small insects, gas/mist, weather, radiation
    • Yellow = positive energy that burns undead, demons, devils for 1d6 unless they save vs. aimed magic items each round
    • Green = detects poison/disease; heals 1d6 per full 10 min of exposure
    • Blue = detects magic
    • Dark Purple = resist mental spells/effects (including psionics)
    • Light Purple = sheds ultraviolet light (see area as Darkvision)

"The Dark Reservoir"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 3 (02/15 – 02/21) 

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.


2.3.1 Cave Frogs (02/15)
The subterranean river plunges over a 30 ft. waterfall into a frothy pool of dark water before flowing out through a tall fissure to the west. Stalactites dangle from the cavern ceiling. A 15-ft. high ledge runs along the south wall, above a silt and gravel beach. The ledge once spanned the river near the fissure and exited to the north, but the span has collapsed, leaving a 10-ft. wide gap.

–Several giant ant tunnels (2-ft. diam.) on the back wall of the ledge lead up to 1.2.6 (1:d8 chance to encounter 3d3* giant ants here; 25% chance that 1d3* aspis drones are with them).

–1d4+2 giant cave frogs dwell in the 15-ft. deep pool. They surface and attack anyone on the beach. The pool repopulates with 1d3 giant cave frogs every week.

  • Giant Cave Frog (AC 7, HD 1-3, HP var; AT 1, DAM 1d3, 1d6, or 2d4; SA tongue attack (6/12/18 ft. range, +4 to hit, bite for max damage if it hits), swallow prey on nat-20)

–Jumping across the gap = roll STR or less on 1d20 (minus armor's base AC modifier). The north ledge is coated with fine grit; successfully landing the jump = roll DEX or less on 1d20 (same jump mods)...

  • Fail STR check (jump) = PC falls into the river below and is swept downstream.
  • Fail DEX check (landing) = PC slips on the grit and slides into a chute to 2.3.2.

–(3) clay urns half-buried in the pool's muddy bottom contain ancient coins: 1,234 ep, 2,157 gp, and 944 pp.

2.3.2 Cave Morays (02/16)
An elongated gallery cave with a 20-ft. ceiling hung with stalactites. The cave interior is covered in blooms of rust-colored lichen that teem with thousands of thumb-sized glowworms which feed on the lichen and dimly illuminate the gallery.

–(8) cave morays hide in various cracks and niches in the rock walls. They normally feed on the glowworms, but will strike out at targets that come within reach.

  • Cave Moray (MMII – AC 0/5, HD 4+4, HP 15,19,22x4,23,30; AT 1, DAM 2-8; SA surprise on 1-5; SD withdraw into cyst)

–The south end of the cave is a steeply-sloping chute coated with fine grit; traversing it requires rolling DEX or less on 1d20 (minus armor AC mod).

  • Fail = fall and slide down remaining slope, continuing 10 ft. into the cave per 5 ft. of slide. A PC who slides into the room will end up prone and in range of 0-2 cave morays.

–There are limitless glowworms here, but unless fed a steady diet of the lichen, they die within 24 hours.

  • Crushing one releases a squirt of phosphorescence that sheds dim light in a 5-ft. radius for 1 turn.
  • Eating one confers Darkvision for the next hour, but while the effect lasts, the eater must make a save vs. poison during times of stress (such as combat) or suffer hallucinations (as Confusion spell). A Neutralize Poison spell ends both effects.


2.3.3 Piercer Cave (02/17)
Cave with a 20-ft. high ceiling hung with stalactites. Water drips steadily, covering the floor in puddles that drain away through cracks in the floor. Skeletal remains slump against the northwest wall, near a deep alcove. Something on the skeleton glints in the torchlight. 

–(12) piercers hang on the ceiling and drop on anyone crossing the cave and/or investigating the bones.

  • Piercer (AC 3, MV 10 ft. per round, HD 1-4, HP VAR; AT 1, DAM 1-6 per HD; SA 95% surprise)

–Two large cracks on the south wall are giant ant tunnels up to 1.2.6 (1:d8 chance to encounter 3d3* giant ants here; 25% chance that 1d3* aspis drones are with them).

–The skeletal remains are those of a fighter-type in rusting chainmail, with a battered shield and rusting longsword. The glint is from an ornate necklace (gold and platinum with (4) large rubies = 1,600 gp total) around its bony neck. A rotting leather pouch also holds 346 gp and (4) gems (worth 100, 250x2, 500 gp).

–The alcove narrows to a door-sized panel of impervious blue metal. There is no obvious means to open it (see 2.3.7).

2.3.4 Salt Slide
Cavern with a 20-ft. high ceiling hung with many stalactites; stalagmites bristle from the floor as well (some up to 3-4 ft. high). All surfaces are coated with a thick, glittering crust of pink salt.

–The salt crust conceals a wide sinkhole in the floor (detect as pit trap).

  • Any weight of 250 lbs. or more on the shaded area causes the entire crust to disintegrate and dump anyone on it into a steeply-sloping, salt-packed chute to 2.4.2.
  • It is impossible to stop or cast spells while sliding.
 – END OF WEEK 7 –
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Sunday, February 12, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 6 (#Dungeon23)

"The Waterworks"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 1, Cont. (2/1 – 2/7)

2.1.5 Cave Fishers (02/05)
The river splits here; a shifting beach of smooth river-stones has built up against the interior walls. 

–Anyone crossing the slippery rapids or engaging in strong activity (like combat) on the loose beach must roll their DEX or less on 1d20 or fall into the river.

  • Cave fishers lurk on the gorge ceiling and snare PCs crossing the rapids/walking on the beach.

–Near the 30 ft. high gorge ceiling—on the interior walls where the river diverges—a pair of ledges look out over each branch of the river. The only way to access this cave is to climb the wet rock. The cave floor is littered with various animal and humanoid bones.

–The cave is the lair of (5) cave fishers.

  • Cave Fisher (MMII – AC 4, MV @1", HD 3, HP 9,12x2,14,18; AT 2, DAM 2-8/2-8; SA adhesive trap line strikes as 6HD)
    • Only 1d3-1 are in the cave at any time; the rest cling to the gorge ceiling (50/50 to E/W), dangling their filaments to catch bats, lizards, and fish.

  • Among the cave detritus can be found a rotting leather sack containing 5,922 sp and 2,046 gp, a suit of +1 Studded Leather Armor, and a Potion of Sweetwater.


2.1.6 Grimlock Holes (02/06)
A band of grimlocks (or "morlocks") has migrated up from below and now inhabit these caves. Fish bones and scat litter the caves.
  • Grimlock (FF – AC 5, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 1, DAM 1d6 or weapon; SD keen senses (20 ft. rad.), immune to light- or sight-based effects, undetectable when motionless (+1 to Surprise), save as 6F)
  • Most grimlocks attack with claw-like fingernails, but 1:6 wields a crude weapon (club, handaxe, spear, etc.) Some (1:6) wear glowing blue crystals on a thong made of twisted hair (these grimlocks have +1 to all saving throws; anyone else wearing the crystal does NOT gain the bonus).
  • Grimlocks encountered on levels 1 and 2 come from this particular lair; 1d3* new grimlocks  migrate here through the holes each week, steadily replenishing the population.

(a) Passages from the river slope up, then drop off a 10-ft. high ledge into open cave. A wide hole in the floor leads down to Dungeon Level 3 (3.1.5).

  • (11) grimlocks dwell here in filth, along with their rebellious LEADER. This breakaway clan are outcasts from the grimlock city.
  • Grimlock Leader (AC 4, HD 3, HP 17; AT 1 (claws or battleaxe), DAM 1-6 or 2-9; SA +1 to hit (battleaxe); SD as standard grimlock). 

    • He wields a "stainless steel" battleaxe (blade, head, and haft all one single piece of lightweight metal); incredibly light with a razor sharp blade that never dulls (treat as a +1 Weapon).
    • He also wears a glowing blue crystal on a thong (+1 saves as above)

(b) Two wide holes in the cave floor lead to Dungeon Level 3 (3.1.5). (24) grimlocks live here in filth.

(c) A gravel beach has piled up against the gorge wall. A darkened cave enters the grimlock lair.

  • Half-buried in the gravel is a moldy human skull; if dug up, a platinum tooth (worth 20 gp) can be recovered.

(d) Two grimlocks beat on a battered "stainless steel" footlocker they retrieved from 1.1.4b. The "key" from 2.1.2 safely opens the footlocker, which contains old clothing, a leather belt and boots, and a medical kit (a metal box containing bandages, tourniquets, (2) stimulant doses = break capsule; smell automatically rouses a sleeping/unconscious person, and (3) painkiller doses = each acts as a Potion of Healing).

  • If the clothing is *carefully* checked, a thin (3x6-in.) "card" of impervious blue metal is found in a pocket. If seen at the right angle in the light, a faint pattern of parallel lines can be discerned on the card's surface. A Comprehend Languages spell reveals the lines to be an "authorization to operate."
  • Smashing open the footlocker has a 50% chance of destroying each stimulant/painkiller dose.

(e) Empty caves.

2.1.7 Xorn Feast (02/07)
This isolated cave is filled with crystal blooms (translucent, milky white). A xorn extracts handfuls of crystal, examines each clump with an eye, and then dumps the pieces into its maw. It takes notice of intruders immediately and assumes an attack position to defend its meal.

–Before it attacks, it holds out one hand and points to its mouth with another. If the party offers it precious metal or stones, the xorn devours it greedily and then demands more until it is sated (by at least 500 gp worth). When satisfied, it returns to its meal and leaves the party alone UNLESS they try to damage or remove any crystals.

–The xorn attacks if the PCs withhold payment or try to steal its crystals.

  • Xorn (AC -2, HD 7+7, HP 39; AT 4, DAM 1-3 (x3) / 6-24; SA surprise on 1-5; SD immune to fire/cold, electric does half or no damage, affected by earth spells, can pass through earth)
  • If badly wounded, it sinks into the floor and moves to a new location. It might harass the party later.

– If the party does not kill or drive off the xorn, and then returns to this site an hour or more later, they find a pile of 6d3 gemstones (worth (1d3+1)x100 gp ea.), which the creature “left behind.” The stones can be cut and polished by  jeweler to double their value.



"The Lower Caves"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 2 (2/8 – 2/14)

Scale: Each square = 20x20 ft.

(a) The shaft (10 ft. diam.) and ladder from 1.4.0d descends 50 ft. to a 10-ft. wide, stone-lined tunnel that runs straight north for 240 ft. It turns west and continues for more than 600 ft. to 2.2.1. Within the last 100 ft. or so, the floor is coated with a dusting of fine sand.

(b) Steep-banked "beaches" of silt and loose river stone; rocky rapids nearby enable crossing river (5-10 ft. deep here).

–Anyone crossing the rapids or engaging in strong activity (e.g., combat) on the beaches must roll their DEX or less on 1d20 or fall into the river.

(c) A hungry giant crayfish lurks among the rocks in these areas (roll special encounter check [1-2:d6] each time party enters water/rapids).

  • Giant Crayfish (AC 4, HD 4+4, HP 27; AT 2, DAM 2-12/2-12; SA claw target must roll STR or less on 1d20 or be "pincered" = auto. damage ea. round until STR roll is succ.)
(d) A narrow, crumbling ledge wraps around a deep natural shaft that descends to Dungeon Level 3 (3.2.3).

(e) Empty caves.


2.2.1 Sandling Nest (02/08)
The cave floor is sand/silt; 12-ft. high ceiling with stalactites. The sandy floor hides a giant sandling.
  • Giant Sandling (FF – AC 3, HD 8, HP 32; AT 2, DAM 2-16; SD immune to sleep, hold, charm, mind spells)
  • During the fight, the entire floor becomes unstable shifting sand (caused by infant sandlings = trip hazard).

–The giant sandling regularly spawns dozens of infant sandlings, out of which 1d3–1 juveniles emerge every week, then leave the nest and seed out into the caves. The crystal basilisk (2.1.4) actively hunts these sandlings for food.
2.2.2 Skeleton Pool (02/09)
The sinkhole slope from 1.4B.3 drops 50 ft. to a rock shelf overlooking a flooded cave (5 ft. above water surface; water depth = 3 ft.) On the far side of the cave is another rock shelf (8 ft. above the water) and a tunnel exit. Water pours in through a fissure next to it.

–The water drains out through hundreds of small cracks in the floor.

–(12) skeletons lie on the cave floor, concealed beneath the murky water. They awaken and arise when living beings are near.
  • Skeleton (AC 7, HD 1, HP 2x2,3,4x2,5x3,7x2,8x2; AT 1, DAM 1-6; SD immune to cold, sleep, charm, hold, mental attacks)
–When the skeletons are killed, the water currents here constantly swirl the loose bones around, eventually reassembling 1d3* skeletons each week.

2.2.3 Stony Guardian (02/10)
The stairway from 1.4.7a descends west 30 ft., then turns north and descends another 20 ft. to a stone-lined passage that runs more than 500 ft. to this chamber: a natural cave roughly-hewn into a gallery with a 15-ft. high ceiling (no stalactites or stalagmites; several large boulders on the floor). The west end of the room narrows—cone-like—to a 10x10x10-ft. wide alcove where a pile of rocks blocks the archway. A cave-like tunnel exits the gallery at the opposite end.

–The pile of rocks is a resting galeb-duhr. When it becomes aware of the party's presence (light, noise, etc.), it awakens and forms up into a shape that strongly resembles the Colossal Head, but with stubby arms and legs.

  • Galeb Duhr (MMII – AC -2, HD 10, HP 70; AT 2, DAM 4-24; SA spells, animate boulders; SD immune to normal fire and lightning, but take full damage from magic fire (+4 saves), takes double dam. from cold (-4 saves) – Spells (as 20MU, once/round): Move Earth, Stone Shape, Passwall, Transmute Rock to Mud, Wall of Stone)
  • It casts Wall of Stone over the archway and then aggressively defends the area, animating 1-2 boulders to assist it if necessary (AC 0, MV 3, HD 9, HP 36, 40, 47; AT 1, DAM 4-24).

–If the party simply passes through the room without approaching the archway, the galeb duhr does not attack. Any attempt at communicating with it is met with stone-cold silence. When the Wall of Stone spell expires, the galeb duhr reverts to an inert pile of rocks.

–In the back of the alcove is a secret door (a suspiciously smooth panel of stone wall pushes in and slides aside; closes automatically after 30 sec.)

  • Beyond is a 20x40 ft. stone-lined chamber with 15-ft. high barrel-vaulted ceiling. At the far end is an arched staircase down to Dungeon Level 3 (3.2.2).
2.2.4 Bat Cave (02/11)
Large open cave with a 30-ft. high ceiling covered with stalactites; floor spiked w/stalagmites. Dozens of giant bats dangle from the ceiling. An enormous (30-ft. diam., 12-ft. high) mound of guano glistens in the party's torchlight; it is covered in hundreds of foot-long roaches. 

–There are 72 giant bats and ~600 aggroaches currently in the cave. Each round the party spends in here, they are attacked by 0-3 giant bats AND 2-8 aggroaches (choose targets randomly).

  • Giant Bat (FF – AC 8, HD 1, HP 1-8; AT 1, DAM 1-4; SD attackers w/<13 DEX are -3 to-hit w/missiles, echolocation)
  • Aggroach* (ZA – AC 7, HP 1; AT 1, DAM 1)

    *Appears courtesy of Zenopus Archives.

–The giant bats feast on the aggroaches, which then feed on the guano and dead bats in a perpetual cycle.
  • As long as both populations remain above 50%, they replace losses by 2d3* giant bats and 20d10* aggroaches per week.
  • If populations reduced to 25-50%, repopulation rate is halved.
  • Below 25%, reduced repopulation rate only occurs monthly until back above 50%.
  • Below 10%, repopulation stops.
–If someone tunnels into the bat guano, they discover a stone chest on a 10-ft. diam. dais. The heavy lid comes off; chest contains (20) 1-ft. diam. silver platters (100 gp ea.) and (4) 2-ft. diam., 1 ft. deep golden bowls (250 gp ea.). These items are plainly-crafted with no adornment.

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 5 (#Dungeon23)

"Bonus Rooms (The Crypts)"
Level 1 (JAN) – The Upper Works
Addition to Section 4 (1/29 – 1/31)

The collapse of this section of grid was not total. Many air pockets and passages remain throughout the rubble (tho most are dead ends or isolated cysts). 

–While exploring the grid nodes near the edge of the collapsed sections, observant PCs might notice air currents pulling into the collapse—a clue to three open routes into this area.

–The routes are winding paths (5-10 ft. wide) that follow "natural" fissures through the collapsed ground.

–Passages and chambers are cave-like (packed dirt and rock), but fragments of the grid structures poke through (including steel cylinders ripped apart).

Encounter Chance: No wandering encounters in this area (except for the harmless moths) UNLESS the party camps here, in which case the lash lizards (1.4B.1) will attack during their rest.


Scale: Each square = 10ft. x 10ft. 

1.4B.1 Green Cave (01/29)
Cavernous space with 15-ft. high ceilings; illuminated by ghastly, lime-green glow. Large white moths (size of dinner plates; appear bright green in light) flutter around a glowing crystal shard in the middle of the floor. Several ruined cylinders lie about. Dried husks of dozens of long-dead moths carpet the floor.

–(6) camouflaged lash lizards cling to the ceiling and gorge on moths.

  • Lash Lizard (ATWM I Dave Hargrave – AC 3, HD 4, HP 12,14,18,19,22,24; AT 2 claws/1 tongue; DAM 1-4/1-4/4-16; SA 20-ft. long tongue attack, saliva paralyzes (+2 save vs. poison); SD chameleon camouflage (surprise on 1-5))
–The crystal "shard" turns out to be a perfectly-cut, rectangular block (2x2x6 in.) It slowly poisons anyone within 10 ft. of it (-1 HP per turn, no save).

 1.4B.2 Voice in a Jar (01/30)

A mostly intact, pillared chamber (architecture reminiscent of the crypt nodes; collapsed wall/ceiling in one corner where tunnels come in). Dais at far end; body in jar is set into an ornate bronze stand. 

–Body is typical pickled human (female), although this one wears a distinctive crown of thin platinum mounted with (3) lozenge-cut jewels (total piece = 1,750 gp).

–The bronze stand consists of a round, bowl-shaped base supporting the jar, several thin armatures holding it upright, and a small bronze box (10x10x12 in.) mounted on a 3-ft. pole standing at the rim of the base. The top of the box features...

  • A 6-in. diam. circle formed of 12 thin slots. 
  • A 2x2x2-in. socket-like depression; the socket's back "plate" is a square made of yellow crystal. 
  • When the crystal block from 1.4B.1 is inserted in the socket... 
    • The room fills with blue glow (negates the green crystal's poison); 
    • The jewels on the crown begin to glow; the jar brine begins bubbling; 
    • A raspy, tinny voice emerges from the box. 
–The voice is that of a former resident of the Old City. She speaks in a forgotten tongue, but if the party can figure out how to understand her, they can communicate normally. She can't see or feel anything—she can only "hear" the party speaking "in her mind."

–Her memory is faulty (she does not remember her name), but with proper questioning, she can relate the following information...

  • She was once a scholar in a grand library at the heart of the "City of the Ancients"—a mysterious complex below the Old City. 
  • The Old City was founded to study the City of the Ancients and the machines of the gods buried in vaults deep beneath it.
  • Too many egos and powerful conflicting interests created great tension in the Old City; hubris and recklessness doomed it. 
  • The machines below are capable of great wonders, but they are inscrutable and often dangerous. 
  • The gods possessed the secrets of the universe and could create life from base materials. 
  • Their devices operate with crystals, but even these can be dangerous to handle/use without the proper knowledge.
  •  The Throne of the Gods lies somewhere below; it is said to grant any wish to those capable of sitting upon it.
  •  The location of the throne was kept in the library but "CHIMERA" guards it. 
    • SECRET: She doesn't know what it means, but "CHIMERA" is a password. It must be delivered in her language's word for it.

–Observant party members might notice the brine's bubbling increase in intensity over time.

  • When a turn of questioning elapses, her body falls apart and dissolves. 
  • Removing the green crystal from the socket forestalls this (she returns to an inert state; resets the turn clock).


1.4B.3 Careful Descent (01/31)
Two wall cracks open into a cavernous space at the top of a deep sinkhole shaft sloping 45 degrees into the earth. A narrow ledge connects the two cracks, but the rest of the cave floor drops away into the shaft.

– The steeply-sloping shaft descends ~50 ft. to Dungeon Level 2 (2.2.2). The ground is loose and cannot be walked down.

  • Anyone trying slides and picks up too much speed in the first 3d10 ft., then falls the rest of the way down (damage = pit of comparable depth.

–An observant PC might notice a semi-concealed ledge and small crack on the far side of the cave, across the shaft.

  • The crack leads into a cramped alcove with the skeletal remains of a short (3 ft.) humanoid dressed in tattered remnants of leather armor and clutching a rusty dagger.
  • Hidden inside the leather armor is a pouch made of impervious blue metal fibers. Woven into it are dozens of tiny rhomboid shards of blue and lt. purple crystal. It is a Bag of Holding that contains 6,140 ep, 1,203 gp, and 1,145 pp (ancient coins).


"The Waterworks"
Level 2 (FEB) – The Caves Between
Section 1 (2/1 – 2/7)

A subterranean river flows through this layer of the dungeon below the Sewers, where a mysterious facility lies dormant. A network of natural passages and caves winds throughout the rest of the level and connects with the lower levels.

The river gorge is cavernous, 40–60 ft. wide in most places with a 20-30 ft. high ceiling covered in stalactites. The river is swift and strong, with many rapids.

–Tunnels are 5–15 ft. wide with 5–8 ft. ceilings; caves are half as high as wide, with stalactites and stalagmites. Walls/ceilings are rough, natural rock; floors are sand/silt.

Encounter chance = 1:d6 (roll ea. turn)

  • Common = [#2d3*] Giant Bats, Giant Rats, Giant Cave Frogs, Giant Ants
  • Uncommon = [#1d3*] Gray Oozes, Morlocks, Piercers, Troglodytes, Aspis (+2d3* Giant Ants)
  • Rare = [#1d3] Cave Fishers, Sandlings, Carrion Crawlers, Skeletons, Ghouls
  • Unique = [#1] Crystal Basilisk, Gelatinous Cube, Wight (Vazimir's Lieut. – 1.4.7)



2.1.1 Open Shaft (02/01)

(a) The 20-ft. diam. shaft from 1.2.3 expands to a 60-ft. diam. chamber with a 15-ft. high domed ceiling. The walls ceiling and floors are covered with ceramic tiles (as main Sewers). The water pouring from above dumps noisily into a 30 ft. diam. fill basin surrounded by a 15-ft. wide dry walkway. A dry, ceramic-tiled passage (15 ft. wide w/10-ft. arched ceiling) exits the chamber.

–The fill basin is 20 ft. deep, but the water surface is 10 ft. down, so depth = 10 ft. The water is too murky to see through, but on the basin floor is a 15-ft. diam. drain cover (with 6-in. drain holes) made of impervious blue metal. Also on the floor near the drain is a "stainless steel" footlocker. 
  • The footlocker has a hasp of some kind and a 1/4-in. diam. "keyhole," but the mechanism to open it is not obvious. It can be battered open, but the force required will destroy the device inside. It can be safely opened using the "key" from 2.1.2b. 
  • Inside is a delicate piece of ancient technology: a 3-ft. long conical tube made of brass, gold, and tin, with a handgrip in the narrow end. Above the handgrip is a protruding box with two thin slots (1-in. tall), each with a tiny crystal chip set just above it (one yellow, one amber). If crystal wafers of the right color (see 2.1.3a) are inserted into the corresponding slots, the device acts as a Horn of Blasting (using it consumes the set of crystal wafers).

(b) The threshold of the ceramic-tiled passage is a bulkhead of impervious blue metal (an "open" valve – 2.1.2). This is "Valve 1." The passage has a slight slope downward and leads ~500 ft. to 2.1.2a, then bends and continues until it opens into a gorge, 15 ft. above the subterranean river. PCs can possibly see 2.1.6c on the opposite side (50-60 ft. away).

2.1.2 Valve Control (02/02)
NOTE: Sub-map scale here is 1 square = 5ft. x 5ft.

This area controls a series of impervious blue metal valves located throughout this facility. Each valve consists of a bulkhead which is either open, or closed with an 10-ft. diam. iris of impervious blue metal.

(a) An open bulkhead ("Valve 2") in the wall of the tiled passage connects with another identical passage. Just inside the open valve is an open doorway, with stairs that ascend to a tiled room where (9) levers and housings made of impervious blue metal are mounted on the floor. Set into the wall behind the levers is a (4x6 ft.) onyx panel. A 2-ft. diam. cluster of translucent crystal "blooms" from the center of the tiled ceiling. 

–None of the levers can be manipulated until power to the facility is restored (2.1.4).

  • Powered up, the levers open (push toward wall) or close (pull away from wall) the various bulkhead valves. An impervious blue metal door also slides shut over the entrance to this room whenever water starts to flow.
  • When the party first enters this area: V1, V2, V3, and V5 are open; the rest of the valves are closed.

–The onyx panel is etched and inlaid with silver in a pattern resembling the Waterworks map layout.

  • Each area is designated with a 2-in. translucent crystal. All the crystals are "dark" until the power is restored.
  • Powered up, the crystals glow a certain color that reflects the system's state... 

    • Pumphouse (2.1.4) crystal glows green (nominal) or amber (when pumps turned on). 
    • Cistern (2.1.3) crystals glow white (if empty) or blue (if full). 
    • Valve Control Room (2.1.2a) crystal glows green (nominal).
    • Valve (V1–9) crystals glow amber (if open) or red (if closed).

–When power is restored, the ceiling crystal glows brightly and illuminates the room. 

(b) The adjacent room is empty save for an 8-ft. long "stainless steel" bench that protrudes from the tiled wall. On the opposite wall is a door-sized panel of impervious blue metal.

–Careful searching reveals two peculiar wall tiles, each lightly etched with the image of a handprint.

  • Pushing the handprint tile next to the doorway from (a) pops open a recessed cabinet with several empty hook. Dangling from one hook is a (6-in. long, 1/4-in. diam.) "stainless steel" wand capped with a formed tip of yellow crystal. The "key" is strung with a leather lanyard. (It feels like leather, but is it?)
  • Pushing the handprint tile on the opposite wall causes a section of the wall to slide aside. Beyond is a narrow access tunnel to the Pumphouse (2.1.4). Another similar tile on the other side closes (or reopens the wall panel). It closes on its own after 30 seconds.

 –The impervious blue metal door panel has a 1/4-in. diam. hole in door frame at waist level. The cabinet "key" opens it, but only when power is restored. Beyond is a stairway down to Dungeon Level 3 (3.1.1).


2.1.3 Cisterns (02/03)
These identical chambers are enormous silos with 40-ft. high shallow-domed ceilings. Each room is completely tiled in ceramic.

–Each cistern has three valves of impervious metal (some are open, some closed – 2.1.2). 

–In the center of the floor is a 20-ft. diam. drain cover made of impervious blue metal (w/8-in. diam. drain holes). Both drains are blocked off by valves of impervious blue metal just 20 ft. below the drain cover (these are controlled elsewhere).

(a) Sound echoes in the empty cistern, yet seems dampened at the same time. Anyone investigating the drain automatically stirs a hibernating (and quite hungry) gelatinous cube of enormous proportions lurking in the drain pipe below the cover!

  • Huge Gelatinous Cube (AC 8, MV 6, HD 10, HP 61; AT 1; DAM 2-8; SA paralyzation, surprise on 1-3; SD cold ONLY slows it (50% move, damage = 1-4) if it fails save, immune to electricity, fear, hold, paralyzation, polymorph, sleep) 
    • When the gel. cube takes 25% damage, it splits into (2) separate cubes (divide remaining HP between them). 

    • It has no treasure, save for (14) translucent crystal shards perfectly-cut into 1x2 in. rectangular wafers (2 red, 1 amber, 2 yellow, 2 green, 1 blue, 2 dk. purple, 1 lt. purple, 3 clear) that float inside its body

–Even if no one approaches the drain, activity in this room has a 1-2:d6 chance per turn to rouse the monster. Once roused (but not killed), the gelatinous cube begins spawning a standard gelatinous cube every 6+1d6 days, which then begins roaming the dungeon. 

(b) All valves in this cistern are closed when the party first enters this area. It is completely filled to the top with water.

(c) A 20-ft. diam. drain shaft descends to Dungeon Level 3 (3.1.2).

2.1.4 The Pumphouse
The main control room (a) is ceramic-tiled (all surfaces) and has a 30-ft. high vaulted ceiling. Three massive (10-ft. diam.) pipes made of impervious blue metal emerge from the floor and bend into the wall. A 2-ft. diam. cluster of translucent clear crystal blooms from the tiled ceiling. A panel of onyx (4x6 ft.) is set into one wall. Facing it is a "stainless steel" podium protruding from the tiled floor.

–When the facility is powered on (2.1.4c), the ceiling crystal glows brightly, illuminating the room.

–The onyx panel is identical to the one at 2.1.2a.

–The podium features a switch (pointing left) with a crystal rectangle above it (translucent clear). Next to the switch is a covered button (have to stick finger into socket). When powered on...

  • The switch crystal glows red; if the switch is turned right, it glows green and the room hums as sealed pumps beneath the facility come to life. 
  • If the button is then pushed, the room vibrates as water begins flowing through the system. An operator can now use the valve controls (2.1.2a) to fill or empty the cisterns, or send river water down to levels 3 and/or 4.

(b) Equipment room with empty wall racks (for tools or perhaps weapons?). Several footlockers (identical to 2.1.1) are scattered on the floor, but these are open and empty.

–A stairway down to (c) is concealed from the doorway by a wall.

–The "key" from 2.1.2b can be used to lock/unlock these footlockers as well.

(c) Three massive (10-ft. diam.) impervious blue metal pipes emerge from the floor and rise to the ceiling. In the center of the room is a stand made of impervious blue metal (a circular base with two armatures that curve up like an elongated 'C'). Each armature holds a bowl (one inverted above the other and separated by a 4 ft. gap). The inner surface of each bowl bristles with yellow crystal shards.

–(6) crystal statues of morlocks in "action poses" stand around the room (crystal color = random).

–In the far corner, a (3 ft. long x 1 ft. diam.) chunk of yellow crystal lays on the floor, surrounded by a thick "fringe" of scintillating crystals of various colors–actually a crystal basilisk! It has curled around the crystal chunk to nap. When someone approaches, it uncurls and uses its gaze to turn the prey into crystal (treat as normal petrification).

  • Crystal Basilisk (AC 0, HD 6, HP 34; AT 1; DAM 1-10; SA gaze turns to crystal; SD crystal hide acts as Ring of Spell Turning) 
  • Among a pile of detritus and cast-off basilisk moltings behind the pipes is the basilisk's treasure: a spool of silver wire (worth 600 gp) and (4) electrum rods (worth 500 gp ea).

–When the chunk of yellow crystal (100 lbs.) is placed between the bowls, it floats in place and all the crystals light up, here and throughout the Waterworks. All controls can now be operated normally.

(d) Stairs descend to a stone pier 5 ft. above the subterranean river. The pier wraps around the outside of the Pumphouse and passes beneath three massive (10 ft. diam.) impervious blue metal pipes that bend into the river to intake water.

–Two pipes connect to the cisterns; the third (middle) one connects with a shaft down to Dungeon Level 4.

  • A character with Water Breathing could travel into the middle intake pipe and swim down it to reach Level 4.

–From the far end of the pier, the party can possibly see a gravel beach across the river gorge, and some nearby rapids that could be crossed (2.1.5).

  • NOTE: The party also comes under the observation of cave fishers high on the gorge ceiling. They move into position to snag anyone crossing the rapids.



Thursday, February 2, 2023

Tunnels Beneath the Earth — Week 4 (#Dungeon23)

"The Crypts"
Level 1 (JAN) – The Upper Works
Section 4 (1/22 – 1/28)

Scale: Each square = 60ft. x 60ft.

The pickled dead of the old city are stored below the surface necropolis. Fairly dry tunnels and chambers down here. Dressed stonework is old and cracked, but still solid.

–The crypts are a grid of identical nodal chambers connected by short passages (see (b) below). 

  • A few larger room complexes within the grid comprise the major encounter areas.
  • Skeletal remains are found randomly throughout the grid, as though whomever the person was simply laid down on the spot and died. No clothes or other items are found among the bones.

–Encounter chance = 1:d6 (roll ea. turn)

  • Common = Gt. Rats, Skeletons, Pile of Bones
  • Uncommon = [#1d3*] Crypt Tenders, Ghouls (1.2.4), Shadows (1.4.1)
  • Rare= [#1d3] Ghost Spiderlings (1.4.4), Thouls (1.4.3)
  • Unique = Ghost Spider (+1d3+1 spiderlings – see 1.4.4); Wight (Vazimir's Lieutenant – see 1.4.7)
Giant Rat (AC 7, HP 1-4; AT 1, DAM 1-3; SA bite = 5% chance of disease) 

Skeleton (AC 7, HD 1, HP 1-8; AT 1; DAM 1-6 (clawing fingers); SD immune to cold, sleep, hold, mental attacks)

Pile of Bones contains remains of 1d3* people; when living creatures are near, the pile spawns 1-2 skeletons each round until the total # of remains is expended. When a skeleton is killed, it collapses into inert bones UNTIL a crypt tender piles the bones up again and infuses them somehow with artificial life.


(a) Main Passage = 10 ft. wide x 480-ft. long corridor; dimly lit by a glowing, pulsing chunk of quartz crystal embedded in the 10-ft. high ceiling every 30 ft. Every 120 ft. is a bulkhead of impervious blue metal (50% of the time, the bulkhead is closed by impervious blue metal doors that slide into the floor/ceiling; open and close at random).

(b) Nodes = 40-ft. sq. chambers lined w/(12) alcoves (4x4x4-ft.)—three to a wall. Each is dimly lit by a glowing chunk of quartz crystal in the center of the 15-ft. high ceiling.

  • Each node is connected to adjoining nodes by a 10x10x20-ft. passage on each wall.
  • At the mid point of each connecting passage is a bulkhead (as above, except the doors slide into the walls).

(c) Collapsed Area = A large section of the grid has collapsed here, though not completely in a few places. Careful navigation can bring the party into an isolated section of the crypts (see Bonus Rooms).

(d) Shaft = The main passage ends in a 30-ft. diam. cyst with a 15-ft. high domed ceiling. A 10-ft. diam. stone-lined shaft in the floor descends 50 ft. to Dungeon Level 2.

"Crypt Tenders" = A dozen (minor) clay golems that maintain the crypts...

  • Move jars/cylinders around.
  • Collect bones into piles (which then spawn 1d3 skeletons that wander the crypts and fall apart in a few days).
  • Seal alcoves with a wall, using bricks and mortar it magically creates from its own form.
  • Unseal alcoves by magically dissolving the bricks and moving any contents elsewhere.
  • Drop any foreign objects left in the crypts (bodies, gear, treasure, etc.) into the shaft in 1.4.1. 
  • Crypt Tender (AC 7, HP 25; AT 1; DAM 2-16; SA haste 1/day for 3 rounds; SD immune to most spells, cold and fire slow it for 2d6 rounds, electrical attacks heal it for 1 hp per die of damage

–The crypt tenders chase off vandals (incl. casters of destructive spells) and intruders who interrupt their work in any way, but they won't disturb anyone merely traversing the crypts.

  • Tearing down a brick wall, breaking a glass jar, or physically trying to open a cylinder will bring 1d3 crypt tenders to the location within 3d3 minutes to deal with the vandals.
  • A "live" crypt tender can replace a destroyed crypt tender with a new one in 1d4 weeks, magically constructing it from its own form.


Alcoves = 1d6 alcoves in any node are open and empty; the rest are sealed up with a wall of clay bricks and mortar (AC 2, HP 10). Tearing down the brick wall reveals that the alcove behind it... (d6):

    1) empty; 
    2) ...contains a pile of bones (as encounter)
    3) ...contains a 2-ft. diam. x 3 ft. high, sealed glass jar that... (d6):
                1 = broken (empty);
                2-3 = empty; 
                4 = filled with brine (1d10 x 10% full); 
                5-6 = ...contains the pickled remains of a nude human.*

    5-6) ...contains a 3-ft. diam., 4-ft. tall cylinder made of thin metal (like stainless steel).

    • On the cylinder's front surface is a small glass window, through which can be seen the face of a sleeping/deceased human.
    • Below the window is a 4x6-in. rectangle of crystal that glows... (d6): 1 = red; 2-5 = amber (flashing); 6 = green.
    • The tube is completely sealed and seamless (no obvious way to open it). If smashed open (AC 0, 100 hp)...
    • A cloud of chlorine gas is released (30-ft. diam. = save vs. breath or die; successful save takes 4d10 respiratory damage).
    • The body inside melts instantly (but leaves any jewelry behind – see below).

*The bodies inside the jars and cylinders are normal humans...

  • Jar humans are deceased; if released from the jar, the body decomposes within 1d4 minutes, leaving a pile of bones (inert) and 1d3* pieces of strangely-fashioned jewelry worth 1d3* x 50 gp ea.
  • Cylinder humans are deceased (red), deceased but possibly "viable" (amber), or "viable" (green). The only way to safely open cylinder is in somehow using the metal altar in 1.4.2. Each body wears 1d3*+1 pieces of jewelry worth 1d3* x 100 gp ea.



Scale: Each square = 10ft. x 10ft.

1.4.1 The Well of Utter Darkness (01/22)
Below the cenotaph (1.1.4), narrow stairs lead 20 ft. down to this chamber. A dimly-lit glass dome in the center of the 20-ft. high ceiling flickers randomly above a rimless well shaft (perfect 10-ft. diam.) in the floor. The air is filled w/an electric buzz.

–ALL light sources (even magic) dim by 50% in this chamber.

–2d3* shadows lurk here (and sometimes drift up into the Necropolis or into the Crypts).

  • Shadow (AC 7, HD 3+1, HP 4-25; AT 1, DAM 1-6; SA strength drain; SD +1 or better weapon to hit, immune to cold, poison, paral., sleep, charm, hold, mental attacks)

–The shaft wall is lined w/ impervious blue metal; drops 100 ft to a surface of featureless darkness.

  • Any organic material passing into the darkness is atomized. Inorganic material is teleported to the bottom layer of the dungeon.
  • The darkness spins out 1d3 shadows every 24 hours; each exists a few days before fading away.


1.4.2 Priest's Tomb (01/23)
Passages from two nodes open into a columned hall that narrows at the far end. A wide passage exits east, where a statue stands in an alcove at the far-far end.

Area Key (upper level of room)

(a) Ceiling is 15-ft. high; pillars are smooth stone with no features; chamber is empty.

(b) On 1-2:d6, pit doors swing open and dump victims in, then snap shut.

(c) Statue of a holy man in strange garb, clutching scroll case.

(d) Stairs descend to area 1.4.2e.

Area Key (lower level of room)

(d) Stairs ascend to 1.4.2c.

(e) Four smooth pillars hold up a 15-ft. high ceiling. An arched alcove in the east wall holds a smooth stone sarcophagus. In the center of the room is a cage of floor-to-ceiling steel bars (3-in. diam., 6-in gap). The cage floor is a 3-ft. deep basin of water littered w/bones (pit damage = 1d6). A large shaft in the ceiling is the pit shaft from 1.4.2a.

–Lurking in the water are (4) putrid zombies that attack anyone falling in.

  • Putrid Zombie (AC 8, HD 2, HP 6,8x2,12; AT 1, DAM 1-8 (bite); SA bite causes disease 25%; SD immune to cold, enchantments, hold; always goes last (initiative)

–(2) necrophidii hide in the shadows of the alcove. When someone enters (e), they emerge and begin a hypnotic dance.
  • Necrophidius (FF – AC 2, HD 2, HP 12,13; AT 1, DAM 1-8; SA paralysis (bite) unless save vs. magic, "dance of death" (as hypnotism); SD totally silent (surprises on 1-3:d6), immune to poison, morale, sleep, charm, and mind-affecting spells). NOTE: NOT undead.
–If one necrophidius is killed, the sarcophagus lid slides open and a wight emerges (dressed identical to the statue in 1.4.2c).
  • Wight (AC 5, HD 4+3, HP 27; AT 1 claw, DAM 1-4 + level drain; SA level drain; SD silver or magic weapons to hit, immue to cold, sleep, hold, and enchantments)
  • The wight is a blackened, shriveled creature in rotting robes. It clutches an engraved alabaster scrollcase containing a mummy's hide scrawled with arcane formulations. While holding it, the wight cannot be turned and has +1 on all saves. A living creature who bears the scroll also gains immunity to fear (in addition to save mod).

(f) The sarcophagus contains 50 silver ingots worth 10 gp ea.; (3) gems (50 gp x2, 100 gp x1); a silver and emerald ring (1,400 gp), a silver and emerald belt (1,900 gp), and a gold bracelet (500 gp). 
(g) With a word, the wight can command one of these secret doors to open, releasing (8) skeletons in chain mail and shield w/short swords from each secret chamber (can open one door/round).
1.4.3 River Thouls (01/24)
A section of crypts collapsed into a large cave near the river, where a half-dozen trolls made their lair. The cave floor is covered by 1-2 ft. of cold water.

–The trolls sneak into the crypts to steal body jars. They find the pickled humans and brine delicious, but consuming them has transformed the "common" trolls into (6) withered thouls.

  • Thoul (AC 6, HD 3+3, HP ; AT 3, DAM 1-4/1-4/1-6; SA paralyzing touch; SD regenerate 2 hp/round)
–A Wand of Detect Magic lies hidden beneath the water near the entrance. On the opposite side of the cave, also hidden below the water, are (3) clay jugs sealed with wax containing a mix of coins (total = 1,325 cp, 1,141 sp, and 823 gp).
–Three submerged tunnels lead out to the river.

1.4.4 Ghost Spider (01/25)
It is not immediately apparent, but this cluster of nodes is choked with invisible webs. (Use the sample nodal map)...

–Moving more than 10 ft. from an entrance subjects person to the effects of a Web spell. The lair's inhabitants will investigate any prey caught in the webs.

– A ghost spider inhabits one of the (4) nodes (determine randomly); 2d3* ghost spiderlings inhabit each of the other nodes.
  • Ghost Spider (AC 4, HD 5, HP 31; AT 1, DAM 1-8(+level drain); SA bite venom is pure evil = drains 1 level if save vs. poison fails; SD invisibility, silver or magic weapons to hit, immune to sleep, hold, cold, enchantment). This undead spider is invisible in its natural state. It becomes visible when it bites, but automatically turns invisible again in 2d6 segments.
    • Even when "visible", the ghost spider is transparent and difficult to target (attackers are (-2) to hit it; the spider is +2 to saves vs. any directed, attack-type spell).
    • The ghost spider spawns 1d3 spiderlings each week; each spiderling lasts 1-2 weeks before fading away.
  • Ghost Spiderling (AC 6, HD 2, HP 2-16; AT 1; DAM 1-4+STR drain; SA bite drains 1 point of STR (as shadow) if save vs. poison fails; SD invisibility (as above), immune to sleep, hold, cold, enchantment)

–If the webs are completely cleared from the node occupied by the ghost spider, the following treasure is found among bones secreted within invisible cocoons: 122 gp, 853 sp, 1,530 cp; (12) gems ; a steel helmet inscribed with a Rune of Protection (+1 AC); (3) magic-user scrolls (Dancing Lights, Ray of Enfeeblement, Clairvoyance); a Potion of Healing; a Potion of Treasure Finding, and a quiver of (7) +1 Arrows.

1.4.5 Temple of Cylinders (01/26)
The chamber walls are lined with metal racks holding the same metal cylinders found in sealed alcoves (all flashing amber). On the far end of the room is a raised dais and a metal altar upon which a cylinder rests on its side.

–An oddly-shaped golem made of the same metal patrols the room. Its body is a 4-ft. diam. sphere, with spindly, 6-ft. long arms and legs; its spherical head sits on a 3-ft. high flexible stalk (can swivel 180 degrees) and bears a single eye made of glowing red crystal.

  • Steel Golem (ATWM III – AC (-1), HD 20, HP 90; MV 3"; AT 1 fist, DAM 4d10; SA Emit 30 ft. cloud of chlorine gas (+2 save vs. breath or die; successful save = 4d10 respiratory damage) 3/day, eyebeam (as Power Word: Stun) 1/day; SD +4 or better weapons to hit, cold slows it, fire heals it for same amount).
–The cylinder laying on the metal altar is secured to it by a powerful clamp (req. 23 STR to even budge it); its crystal flashes green.
  • Crypt tenders occasionally bring flashing amber cylinders in here and place them in empty racks.
  • When a cylinder is "ready," the steel golem puts it on the altar; the crystal goes from flashing amber to flashing green (and eventually to solid green).

  • When the crystal is solid green, the steel golem removes it from the altar and hands it to a crypt tender (which returns it to an alcove in the crypt and seals it up).

1.4.6 Lord's Tomb (01/27)
Passages from 8 nodes are filled with thick gray fog (magical and perpetual; even if dispersed, the fog reforms in just a few minutes). The passages enter a hall that runs a circuit around an inner chamber.

–The fog has substance and impedes movement (as Slow spell); lurking in the fog (and unaffected by it) are (8) desiccated zombies (two per "wing" of the hall) that repel intruders.

  • Desiccated Zombie (AC 6, MV 90, HD 2+4, HP 6-20; AT 2 (claws and bite); DAM 2-8/1-6; SA bite is +2 to hit IF claws also hit; SD immune to enchantments, hold, cold, susceptible to fire (as mummy)).
Concealed by the fog in the west wing is a wide alcove with a pair of stone doors on the back wall that push open into a long, pillared hall. Archways lead into chambers flanking the central hall.

–At the far end is a dais and golden throne with a finial made of a 3-ft. high shard of glowing crystal (illuminates the room). A skeletal figure in shimmering robes sits on the throne and holds a golden scepter capped with a chunk of the same crystal.

–The dais is flanked by standing suits of unusual-looking "plate" armor (ceramic, has a glossy finish) and holding a type of glaive. Another pair of plate-armor suits with glaives flanks the doors. Inside each suit is a skeleton.
  • Skeleton (AC 0, HD 2, HP 12 ea.; AT 1; DAM 1-6; SD Immune to cold, sleep, charm, hold, mental attacks)
–The skeletal figure is a crypt thing. When the party enters, it throws back its hood to reveal a skull wearing a thin gold crown. In an ancient tongue, it asks the party's business and makes small talk until it gets bored and demands they leave.
  • It has no memory of who it was in life, and no longer cares.
  • It has an affinity for crystals and crystal-powered devices found in the dungeon. If the party brings it such things, it might agree to teleport them to a dungeon location they have been previously (it can control the destination if it wants to).

–If attacked, the crypt thing uses its teleport power to send party members elsewhere and then commands the skeletons to attack anyone left. Any zombies left in the outer hall also join the battle.
  • Crypt Thing (AC 3, HD 6, HP 36; AT 1, DAM 1-8; SA teleport other; SD magic weapons req. to hit)
    • Its crown causes half the damage done to it back to an attacker within 10 ft. (negative energy).
    • The throne radiates Fear (lasts 10 rounds); once per round, the crystal finial can fire a Magic Missile spell (at 2nd level) upon command of the golden scepter.
    • The crown and throne cease to function when the crypt thing is killed; the scepter becomes a normal Wand (Rod) of Magic Missiles (with 42 charges).
–(4) chests can be found in the side chambers. Each chest is locked and trapped...
  • Chest #1 is trapped with a poison needle (save or fall into an enchanted sleep for 2-5 days or until Neutralize Poison is cast). It contains 2,250 ep, 1,161 gp, 477 pp.
  • Chest #2 is trapped with a Glyph of Warding: Energy Drain (save vs. spells or lose 1 level). It contains (4) potions: Delusion, Oil of Slipperiness, Plant Control, Undead Control; (3) m-u scrolls: Pyrotechnics, Strength, Prot. from Evil 10' rad.

  • Chest #3 releases an invisible stalker to kill the opener. It contains a Cloak of Resistance (+1 to all saves) and a jar of Oil of Etherealness.

  • Chest #4 is trapped with Explosive Runes which become visible when the lid is lifted (6d4+6 damage in 10-ft. rad.; all victims other than reader can roll a save for half damage). It contains (8) gems (10x3, 50x1, 100x2, 1,000x1, 2,500x1) and a Folding Boat.

1.4.7 Vazimir's Vault (01/28)
These chambers comprise the undercroft of the lich's lair inside the Colossal Head (1.1.5). Vazimir is a former cleric/wizard, who came to these ruins long ago to conduct arcane experiments in search of the secret to immortality.

–Gaining Vazimir's trust carries advantages...

  • He offers to purchase magic items (and might trade for minor items). He arms his most powerful undead servants with the choicest items and magically smelts the rest for components.
  • He might allow the party to use the tower's direct entrances to the crypts and levels 2, 3, and 4—especially if they bring him magic items.

NOTE: Vazimir can sense the world and communicate through his wight lieutenants. He uses them to scout around and do his bidding (including interacting with party members; most of their contacts with Vazimir will be via the wights).

Room Key

(a) The passage from the crypt ends in an small chamber with three arched exits (the keystone above each is carved with the same visage as the Colossal Head). The right/left exits lead into areas (b); the middle one is a staircase down to level 2.

(b) (6) skeletons in chain+shield (AC 4) with short swords stand against the outer wall in each chamber (12 total). They attack anyone entering, which immediately draws the skeletons in the other chamber (b) into battle.

  • In addition, 1d3 skeletons from (d) enter the fray each round.
  • NOTE: Determine how many wights (1d4-1) are present in areas e-g; these creatures enter the battle 3+1d3 rounds after it starts (see below). One of the wights will immediately demand to know the party's business. (Vazimir would prefer it if the party would leave him alone and not destroy his hard-earned undead minions.)

(c) Stairs ascend to the (well-defended) ground floor of Vazimir's lair inside the Colossal Head.
(d) (12) skeletons (chain mail+shield, short sword) stand in two rows in the center of the room. Massive steel vault doors on three walls are open or closed depending on whether occupant is "in" or "out". Closed doors are locked and can only be opened with a Knock spell.

(e-g) Each room is a crypt for one of Vazimir's (3) lieutenants (wights). Each crypt is empty save for a steel sarcophagus. Rooms (e) and (f) have a door-sized panel of impervious blue metal on one wall; inset into the wall next to it is a 2x3-in. panel of quartz crystal.
  • Wight (base) (AC 5, HD 4+3, HP 32,38,41; AT 1 claw; DAM 1-4+level drain; SA drain 1 level; SD silver or magic weapons req. to hit, imm. to sleep, hold, cold, enchantments)
    • Wight (e) wears Bracers of Armour (+3) (AC 2), miscellaneous jewelry worth (1d6 x 500 gp), and a platinum ring with a square-cut piece of quartz crystal (100 gp).

    • Wight (f) uses a +2 dagger (DAM 3-6+level drain) and wears a Robe of Useful Items, miscellaneous jewelry worth (1d6 x 500 gp), and an identical ring as wight (e).

    • Wight (g) is Vazimir's chief lieutenant; it uses a Dancing Sword, and wears +1 plate mail (AC 2) and a Helm of Comprehend Languages.
–Touching the crystal of a wight's ring to the crystal panel in their corresponding crypt causes the blue metal panel to slide aside, revealing stairs down to level 3 (3.2.1) in crypt e, or level 4 (4.2.1) in crypt f. Anyone in possession of these rings earns Vazimir's enmity and he stops at nothing to recover it.

Adventure Site Contest 2 REVIEW: Scarborough Shire

Scarborough Shire Author: Nick Roman System: AD&D Party Size: ? Level Range: 5-7 Green hills roll to the horizon; nature’s bounty spri...