Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Dolmen Tomb – Area 1: Entrance Chamber

NOTE: In my campaign, the tomb robbers recently discovered the dolmen and began plundering the tomb beneath. Their desecration of this site has caused the dead within to stir. If the dungeon is being run as “undisturbed,” then a few of the initial descriptions can be adjusted accordingly.


The undead in this tomb are the restless spirits of an ancient nomadic people from the Horse Plains to the west of the Badlands. They are not evil (although they can be turned like normal undead), but are instead animated by a burning desire for vengeance on the evil cultists who betrayed them long ago and caused their deaths (similar to the animus that drives a revenant).

Each of the major undead creatures in the crypts guards a sacred clan relic, with the intent of passing each item along to proven heroes who can then use them as instruments of their vengeance. This will not be immediately apparent to the party until they encounter either Ninu (area 14) or Chief Mesharsu (area 20), but killing the undead and releasing their spirits, and then taking possession of these relics is the entire point of this dungeon.

Death Curse
Any person who dies within the cairn circle outside or inside the tomb itself, and is not removed from the entire area beyond the thicket's border, will rise a day later as an undead creature [1d6]: 1-5 = zombie; 6 = ghoul (only if 3rd level or higher).

Tomb Details
The walls are stacked stone, the floors are flagstone. The ceilings are formed of massive stone slabs, angled to lean against each other for support, peaking down the center of the room or passage’s longest dimension.

  • Except where noted, the floor and tomb contents are coated with a thick layer of dust. The air is stale, musty, and cold. The tomb is completely dark.
  • Passage walls are 8 ft. high, with ceilings peaking at 12 ft.; chamber walls are 12 ft. high, with ceilings peaking at 15 ft.

  • Plaster once coated the walls, but has fallen off in many places. Where patches of plaster remain, the walls are painted with faded frescoes—crude designs depicting tribal life of hill people interacting with nature and beasts. 
  • The stonework throughout the tomb is decorated with small carvings of a nature theme: leaves and flowers, animals, vignettes of tribal life, etc.

  • All treasure values are listed in brackets (GP value except where noted otherwise).
  • Monster stat blocks are included at the end of each section.

Tomb Key 

1) Entrance Chamber
Rough steps descend from the surface to a wide, three-way corridor. The three wings end in tapered walls, with narrow passages exiting off each wing. The floor at the base of the steps was recently swept clean of dust, revealing a message carved in the flagstones. Visible boot prints in the dusty floor lead up and down the north and west passages, and in and out of the passages to areas 2 and 3. The dust in the west passage is heavily-disturbed and the floor is littered with smashed bones and relatively fresh bloodstains. The muffled sounds of hammering and faint voices can be heard in the direction of area 3.

  • Secret Doors. The tapered walls of each wing conceal stone panels (six total; DC 18 (WIS) Perception check to notice faint seams, automatically found once the party knows what to look for). Each 5x8-ft. panel is 1 ft. thick and hinged at the point where the angled walls meet. A DC 12 (STR) Athletics check is required to push a heavy panel inward. Once it swings open, the panel locks in place, but swings shut again automatically after 5 minutes.
  • Ancient Message. Words in an ancient, unknown language are carved into the floor. A Comprehend Languages spell translates the words as: “Be curséd, who intrude here.”

  • Trap! Concealed pressure plates ('T') on the floor in the east and west wings (DC 18 (WIS) Perception check to spot; the east one is at disadvantage due to the heavy dust). When stepped upon, each pressure plate causes a secret door to swing open: The east plate opens the door to area 9; the west plate opens area 17.
    • The tomb robbers have tripped the trap in the western wing and released the skeletons inside area 17 (the shattered bones). If the west pressure plate is triggered again, the door swings open but nothing else occurs.

    • If the east pressure plate is triggered, the door to area 9 swings open and releases a horde of skeletons swarming into the hall: 3d3 brittle skeletons on the first round, plus 1d3 additional brittle skeletons each round until the room is empty (30 total).

<< Dolmen Tomb Exterior

>> Area 2: Sacred Basin

New Monsters

Brittle Skeleton
Medium undead, neutral
AC 12 (no armor)
HP 1
Speed 30

STR        DEX        CON        INT      WIS        CHA
10 (+0)    14 (+2)    10 (+0)     6 (-2)     8 (-1)      5 (-3)

Vulnerabilities. Bludgeoning
Damage Resistances. Piercing
Damage Immunities. Poison
Condition Immunities. Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses. Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
CR 1/8 (25 XP)
Proficiency. +0

–Loosely-Assembled. Because they are a collection of barely-held together bones, a brittle skeleton can pass through a Small opening or an ally’s space without penalty. Two brittle skeletons can occupy and fight in the same space without being considered prone.


Bony Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2, Reach 5 ft., one target, Hit: 4 (1d4+2) slashing.

Push-through. When faced with a line of enemies, a brittle skeleton can use its Action to throw itself against an opponent’s space, breaking apart into its constituent bones and then reforming on the other side. The brittle skeleton can only move up to 10 ft. in this manner, but can do so through spaces controlled by another creature.

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