Friday, January 19, 2024

The Dolmen Tomb – Area 2: Sacred Basin

Many boot prints on the dusty floor lead in and out of both entrances to this chamber, which is empty save for a stone basin carved into the east wall. The basin and the stone wall surrounding it are carved with crudely-rendered versions of local flora and fauna. The muffled sounds of hammering and faint voices can be heard in the direction of area 3.

  • Stone Basin. The bowl-shaped reservoir is empty and dry, with three tiny drain holes in the bottom. A fountainhead shaped like a vulture’s head is carved above the basin. Within its open beak is a one-inch diam. spout. If the valve in area 7 is opened, clear, fresh water trickles from the spout and fills the basin in one hour. The full basin holds one gallon (16 cups) of water at a time.
    • Splashing one cup’s worth of basin water into a 5-ft. sq. area will cause any brittle skeletons in that area to collapse into bones which cannot be reanimated later.

    • Any other undead creature in the tomb (except for Ninu and Chief Mesharsu) that is splashed with a cup of basin water must make a DC 12 WIS save or become confused (as the Confusion spell) until the end of its next turn or until attacked.

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