Sunday, January 21, 2024

The Dolmen Tomb – Area 3: Antechamber


Many boot prints on the dusty floor lead into and out of this chamber from both the east and north exits (areas 1 and 4). Shattered bones litter the area around the east entrance. A dozen straw mats cover the floor, and a man’s corpse is laid out on one mat in the southwest corner, next to a pile of equipment. The muffled sounds of hammering and faint voices can be heard in the direction of area 4, and dim light flickers on the walls of the north passage.

  • Corpse. The body is a tomb robber who died fighting the skeletons. He wears tattered clothes and a dagger. A pouch was obviously cut from his belt.
  • Treasure. The pile of equipment includes (2) backpacks, 50 ft. of hempen rope, a crowbar, (3) shovels, (6) sacks, (4) empty waterskins, (4) full waterskins, (6) days rations, and a sack of loot (212 cp, 144 sp, 50 gp, 5 gems <50> ea., a 1 lb. chunk of meteoric iron <5>, and an ivory figurine of a coyote <5>).

<< Area 2: Sacred Basin

>> Area 4: Attendant's Crypt

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