More than a dozen ancient skeletons grasping bronze khopeshes and outfitted in lamellar armor and wicker shields are laid out on straw mats lining the dusty floor. Against the north wall sits a carved stone throne, upon which slumps the mummified body of an obviously-important warrior wearing a bejeweled iron crown. In his gnarled right hand, he clutches an exquisite battleaxe which glows softly in the darkness of the crypt.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Sunday, February 18, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 19: Antechamber
A pair of 8-ft. high statues of coyote-headed men stand in alcoves on the east wall. Emplaced at chest-height on the west wall are four, 2-ft. sq. metal panels: one each of bronze, iron, silver, and gold (from north-to-south). Ancient bronze and copper excavation tools (picks, spades, augers, etc.) are stacked against the angled south walls, which show signs of long-halted digging work.
Friday, February 16, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 18: Slaves' Crypt
Thursday, February 15, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 17: Slaves' Crypt
The chamber is empty save for dozens of straw mats lining the dusty floor.
- The (30) brittle skeletons once interred here were released and destroyed by the tomb robbers (see area 1).
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 16: False Secret Door
At the end of this seemingly dead-end passage is a deliberately-obvious “secret door” (anyone searching the west wall “discovers” a suspicious-looking panel automatically).
Monday, February 12, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 15: Champion's Crypt
Dozens of ancient skeletons are laid out on straw mats lining the floor of this crypt. A carved stone sarcophagus rests near the angled south walls. The stone lid is carved with ancient glyphs that tell the tale of Tiyamuzi—Champion of the Coyote Clan. Bloodoath-Keeper.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 14: Wise-woman's Crypt
Dozens of ancient skeletons are laid out on straw mats lining the floor of this dusty crypt. A profusion of jars rest on the floor against the east and west walls. A carved stone sarcophagus stands near the angled south walls. The lid is carved with ancient glyphs that name the interred as Ninu the Ageless—Wise-woman of the Coyote Clan. Outsider.
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 13: Trapped Hall
The walls, floor, and ceiling of this hall are covered with finely-worked carvings that depict pastoral/quasi-ceremonial scenes of beasts and hill-men.
Sunday, February 4, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 12: Shrine
Friday, February 2, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 11: Processional Hall
The north wing of this chamber is lined with 5-ft. high arched alcoves (13 total). Seated cross-legged on the floor of each alcove is a robed and hooded figure, draped with dusty cobwebs. To the south is a wider antechamber with an elaborate arched exit, flanked by a pair of alcoves in which stand lamellar-armored skeletons holding bronze khopeshes and wicker shields. On the floor before the exit is a colorful mosaic which remains vivid even through the thick layer of dust.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The Dolmen Tomb – Area 10: Altar Room
In the outer corridor (area 10a), a DC 18 (Perception) check spots the telltale seams of a secret panel on the south wall. The panel pushes inward, revealing a passage beyond. Dim light flickers from around the bend.
Owlbear Hill — Adventure Site Contest 2 Post-Mortem
My reviews of submissions for the Adventure Site Contest 2 are complete, my scores are turned in, and I've spent some time reflecting o...
As I re-acquaint myself with the rules of Basic / Advanced D&D , I'm remembering some of the odd bits and pieces of the game that we...
In 1979-80, I was already smitten by Tolkien's Middle Earth and voraciously read any sort of fantasy books I could find at the library. ...
I was invited to help review and judge the submissions to Coldlight Press's second-annual Adventure Site Contest . Last year's compe...